Chapter 1: Execution Day

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On the morning of Ebony Blackfoot's execution, she felt cold. Perhaps it was the draft coming in from the dungeon entrance, the fact that she would die without seeing her father one more time, or maybe it was the Queen's frosty demeanor spreading through the icy castle. Whatever the reason was, she was cold. Rubbing her arms, she drew her knees up to her chest and leaned her forehead on them. Her mind flooded with thoughts of how she could've been so dumb, getting caught the way she did. She'd never been caught before, but she supposed it would happen sooner or later. After all, she was the Kingdom's most notorious thief.

Ebony looked up as the clicking of heels against cold tiles echoed in the hallway, drawing closer to her. She stood up and wrapped her frozen fingers around her cell bars as the Queen of Haven's tall figure came into her view. Her eyes settled on the Queen as she put her hand on top of Ebony's.

"Finally," the Queen breathes. "I got you."

Ebony's eyes locked with the Queen's, a certain defiance sitting in them.

"Sure took you long enough," she quipped.

The Queen's eyes flashed.

"You're going to die today Miss Blackfoot, I hope you can be forgiven for your sins. But if not, I pray your life in hell is not too painful."

She made the sign of a cross over her heart.

"'I'll see you there," Ebony spit as the guards unlocked the doors.

Both took one of her arms and dragged her out of the prison, into the cold morning air.

Ebony was thrown onto the platform in the middle of the large crowd, as her breath formed frosty clouds in front of her. They all cheered as the noose was placed around Ebony's neck. Her fingers trembled, whether from the cold or fear, she wasn't sure. Would it be a quick death? Would she feel the noose breaking her neck? Or would she stop breathing first? For all the times she's seen other criminals hung, she never thought about how it would feel once.

"Does anyone have anything to say to the thief?!" the executioner shouted to the crowd, bringing Ebony's attention back to him.

Ebony looked up to find the Queen staring her down from the balcony, a flicker of a smile passing over her otherwise expressionless face. Ebony glared at her as the crowd shouted insults. An old woman pushed her way to the front of the crowd, holding something small in her hand. Ebony's eyes grew wide as she noticed the object; a small, compact mirror. The old woman smiled beneath her hood before time seemed to slow down. The mirror flashed and just like that, Ebony was gone. 

Author's note:

Hey guys! This is a new story I started! I appreciate any constructive criticism you can give me! Also, RULE book 2 will be started soon!  

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