The Mission

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Sunna's POV

"I can't find anything," I hear someone frustrated a few racks ahead.

"You just need to try something on," another voice comes in and tries to persuade the first.

I start to move over to the isle so I can see what's going on. It's Luke Hemings and Ashton Irwin from 5 seconds of summer. I have recently started listened to their music and have become a fan (not one of those obsessive fans).

"I've tried stuff on everywhere okay!" Luke says.

"Don't worry we will find something for tonight's concert," Ashton says reassuring Luke.

I start to walk over until I find a shirt and a pair of jeans. Black jeans with rips at the knees. I rummage to find a close to exact size then I continue my walk. I walk straight up to them and I opened my mouth. Why Sunna? Why did I have to open my stupid mouth?

"Excuse me, I overheard your dilemma but I think you should try this on." I say thinking I'm a professional.

"Are you staff?" Luke says almost angry at me.

"Luke! Let the nice girl talk," Ashton says politely gesturing at me to continue.

"No," I stutter,"but I just thought."

"Well I think, you should mind your own business." He said emphasising on the think.

"Luke!" I heard Ashton say as I shoved pass both of them.

I kept walking out of the shop and down the road to the cafe surrounded by my favourite clothing shops. I found a nice little table in the back corner, there aren't any windows but it has a red wall with black empty frames. I reach for my bag. My bag! Its gone! It's back at the shop. My bag has my wallet, passport and my sketch book in it. I decide that I will go back later when the boys have gone. I have too much on my plate to have someone yelling at me again. Somebody will take it to the counter and I will just collect it later. Luckily I had a few coins in my pocket. In the mean time I order some relaxing lychee tea. Ummm my favourite.

Luke's POV

"Luke I know you are upset," Ashton says meaningfuly. "I don't know why, probably something stupid again," I hear him mumble but I'm not stuffed to fight back. I'm looking at the clothes that she picked. My size, my style. How does she know exactly what I want?

I quickly but into Ashton's heart filled speech " I'm going to try this on," I say half way to the change rooms.


As I walk out Ashton applauds me. "Now are you going to find her and apologies?"

"Yes okay I was a bit tough."

"A bit," I hear Ashton sarcastically quoting me. Again I don't reply. I'm on a mission. A mission to say sorry. I start to walk out of the shop then Ashton stops me.

"What," I say impatiently.

"Her bag, my arm got caught in the long strap when she went passed."

"You stole it!"

"No, I might have purposely grabbed it, okay, you have to find her and apologise some how," he said like it wasn't crazy at all. He stole it. Okay but before we go on our journey I need some energy. So I suggest that we go to the coffee shop down the road. Ash agrees then as soon as I walk out of the shop my tags beep.

"Great, just what I need," I say thinking out loud.

"Sorry about all of this but I need to find this girl, could I quickly pay for these clothes then go." The girl I was talking to had dreamy eyes for ash and all he had to do was smile before she hobbled over to the cash register. She quickly scanned me and as she did Ashton took a photo and posted it to Instagram. The caption "a mission to find me lady."

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