Take A Chance

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Ashton's POV

"Home sweet home," I say as we walk up to our front door. We open it and shuffle on inside, we show Sunna the basics of the house and I tell her to get comfy. She sits down on the couch, where Luke normally sits but I don't think he minds. He gets angry at me when I sit there, especially in the morning.

"Did you want a pillow?" Michael asks after he chucks the pillow to her and it hit her legs.

"Yes please," she laughs. Shes got a really nice laugh and a really nice pair of shoes.

We all sit down on the L-shaped couch. Sunna in the corner of the L, Luke next to her, Calum next to Luke, Michael next to Calum and I got shoved onto the ottoman. That's alright though I like ottomans. Michael gets up to find the DVD and get it started while Luke and Calum go get some food. I decided to find out more about this drummer girl.

"So before you said you HAD a drum kit what happened to it?" I asked intrested.

"I had to sell it so I could actually get over here," she explains to me. "So what type of drum kit do you have?" she asked me.

"Come on," I said getting up from my ottoman and going over to help her up. I take her over to the room where we keep all our instruments. We walk in and I can see her face lighting up out of the corner of my eye. I turn around but it's too late she has already walked over to the kit and the guitars.

"These are so cool," she says gesturing to, well to everything.

I just smile at her. "You can sit down if you want," I say pointing to the drum seat.

Sunna's POV

This room is amazing I keep saying over and over again to myself. I get to sit down on the seat, oh it's been ages. When I sit down the most stupid thing to say comes into my head, I say it anyway. "Oh suspension." His seats has amazing suspension but the way I said it was just embarrassing. Ashton just laughed at me.

"Oi!" Michael yells at us from the other room in an Aussie accent, "movies on!"

"We better go before all the food is gone," Ashton jokes around but I'm quite worried that he is serious.

We get back, I take off my shoes, keeping my socks on and slide into the corner of the couch next to Luke. Yes it's Friday I realize, no tafe on weekends, I can finally sleep in to 12, or at least try. "Oh yum chips," I reach for the chips on the table and take the prefect one by chance. I place the perfect chip into my not so perfect mouth ready to be crushed up by my digestive system. Eh I nearly spit it out but then I remember where I am. I hate salt and vinegar chips it ruins a perfectly good chip, so I just smile and say I like it.

The movie has started and they boys are wide eyed and not scared, well I guess they've seen this a lot. I don't really pay attention but I start to get a bit tired so I bend my knees, push my feet agensit the couch and rest my head on the pillow. My pillow slowly slips onto Luke's chest but I'm too tired to stop it and he doesn't either. I can feel his chest rising then falling back down and the small pitter patter of his heat beat. I lie there for a bit blocking out the sound of the screaming girl in the movie. My eyes start to tire and I keep them open for a second before they close again. I decide to let my eyes do what they want, my body loosen ups and I fall asleep.

Luke's POV

I can feel Sunna falling onto my chest but I don't touch her. She's so peace full falling asleep. Her lungs are taking in and breathing out the air, the same rate mine do. She moved a bit at first but now shes's perfect, still and beautiful and I was there for her to lie on. If she was Snow White I would be the prince to break her spell with a kiss. If she was Cinderella I would be the one to find her and place the glass slipper on her perfect foot. If I was the Magic Mirror, everyday, I would tell her that she is more beautiful than anyone one else I have ever seen. She may not believe me, then I will try and convince her that she's looking in the wrong mirror because the only way to see true beauty is to look into my eyes.

She starts to move again so I take my view off her and back onto the terrible movie.


The movie is in the most boring bit bit, Michael's favorite. The lights start to flicker till they finally stop and the room becomes covered in darkness. The TV is off, the heaters are off and all of our electricity is off.

"Whoa, a blackout," yells Ashton.

"Shh," Calum tells Ashton with a finger resting on his mouth, looking towards me. Ashton does what he is told.

"Can we get some blankets, she's going to be cold," I say looking at perfection, well Sunna who is perfect.

"Yep on my way," says Michael with lots of blankets in his hands, nice thick ones too. He hands them over to me and I quickly wrap her up. I keep going until she is completely wrapped up like a cocoon. She starts to move then she wakes up. Wow a butterfly. She glows in the dark and lights up the whole room, for the second time.

"Ehh what time is it?" She says trying to pull her hands out of the cocoon, she eventually does.

"11 O'Clock on the dot," Ash says with a swing in his song.

"Oh , I've got to go home," She said getting up ready to head out the door.

"No," I said pulling on her arm. "It's too late, stay the night. you can stay on the couch," I insist.

"What about food, I'm going to starve," she said turning her view from us to the door.

"We have food," Ashton says with a smile on his face.

"No, I can't sleep on your floor, poop in your toilet and eat your food, no."

"It's fine," I say comforting her. "It's too late anyway to catch a bus, just take a chance." She yawns and nods her head. She sinks back down into the furniture and cuddles the blankets.

I start to get up but she stops me, "please, you are the one who made me stay so you are staying with me."

"Okay, I will stay," she lies on on my chest and I see the boys are looking at us. I give them a finger at my mouth then I shew them off. They walk off towards their rooms and I guess that they go to bed.

"Luke?" Sunna says softly

"Yeah?" I questions her back.

"Thankyou, for everything," she takes a deep breath and falls asleep.

"No poroblem," I say wispering in her ear. I slowly lean back onto the couch and close my eyes.

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