Klance Smut

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3rd person pov

Klance was real. Pidges ship was sailing, shiro was happy Keith found the right person (finally) hunk is happy and supportive of his fellow paladins, Coran knew that they were going to get together eventually and allura is happy they were getting along well. Very well.

Since the blue and red paladins became boyfriends they started to go to the pool together in their spare time and after missions. Today was no different

The pilots of the lions had just gotten back from taking away the control of a planet from the galra forces and just after hopping out of their lions keith and lance ran to their rooms to get their swim trunks.

Keith got to the pool first and was awaiting the arrival of his lance. He was looking foward to seeing him in his Light blue swim trunks he always wore which keith loved

Usually keith would wear the same old red swim trunks but today he wanted to surprise the blue paladin. Instead he wore a new bright red spedo. Now slightly uncomfortably sitting on the side of the pool waiting for his lover.

Meanwhile lance was having a crisis. His usual blue swim trunks or new low dark purple ones. After dive more minutes he chose the latter one.

As lance walked into the pool area keith looked and saw his new attire and quickly his member got hard which is bad in a spedo. But how could you not when you could clearly see lances v line that lead strate to his manhood.

Lance saw this and turnes away quickly to go change. Instead of yelling keith ran up to lance to try to stop him from changing. on the way he not so gracefully slipped on the pool water, let out a screech and landed on top of lance.

( in this fanfic keith is taller than lance is)

After keith realized what happed and saw that lance under him was a blushing mess. He got on all fours his face hoveringd over lances and felt something soft brush against his erection and looks down to see his member is laying on lances stomach.

Keith brings his eyes to meet lances and just as their eyes meet lance puts his hands on either side of his head and pull him in for a kiss.

At first keith is suprised at his partners actions but soon after kisses back. The two fight for dominance and not to lances suprise keith won.

Keith stuck his tongue into lances mouth and sucked his tongue which made the smaller tan male moan in responce. After a heated makeout keith broke the kiss picked lance up. Lance put his armes around keiths neck and legs aroumd his waist and kept kissing until they got to the red paladins room.

When they got there keith tossed lance onto the bed, locked the door and ran over to lance who had lifted his head to see what took him so long. Keith than pushed lances head back down and tilt ot to the side.

Keith than started to suck right above his collar bone and started to gonup his neck which got small moans of pleasure outbof the blue paladin. When keith got half way up his lovers neck lance let out a big moan which let keith know he found his sweet spot.

Keith continued to suck the same spot making lance moan louder and covered his mouth and face to try to stop them. " no i want to see your face of pleasure" keith said as he gently pulled his hands away from his face. Than keith bit his sweet spot which led to lance moaning " KEITH" . This only made keith harder and lance could feel hos lovers member rubbing up against his hip.

Lance decided to get keith back for continuing to make him moan by thrusting his hips up and down with keiths member between which caused keith to stop sucking lances neck and moan in pleasure.

At this point keith was to erect to wait any longer so he pulled off lances purple awin trunks and and put three fongers into his lovers mouth. Lance started to suck and lick them to cover them with saliva. Keith than slid them out of his mouth and poped one finger inside lance which caused lance to moan and arch his back in pleasure. Keith started moving his dinger in and out than added the second and started moving them back and forth and slid in his third which made lance squeeze his shoulders and buck his hips against the taller.

Keith tool out his fingers and possitioned himself infront of lances hole, made eye contact and when lance nodded his head he slowly pushed himself inside his partner. Lance arched his back and moaned loudly a s did keith. The tightness of lance deove keith insane but waited for lances pain to stop and gove him the ok. Once lance started to get a hold of the moaning he wrapped his arms around keiths neck and nodded his head.

Keith started to move in and out of lance and he dig his nails into the pale boys back and moaned in pleasure. Panting keith says " lance your so tight you feel so good on my dick" in reasponce lance in between moans says " keith.... it feels so.... good..... i love you..... so much" he managed to get out. Keith smiles and says "i love you to Baby" seconds latter keith thrusts harder and hits lances prostate and moans like crazy and claws at keiths back he hitts it again and again. Lance than says " i'm gonna... cum.... keith I'm.... gonna.... cum" Lance manages between pants while keith is almost at his climax says " Me to lets... cum together" and after a few more thrust they lance cums all over the boys chests and seconds lattervkeith sprays his semen inside of lance, both screaming each others names and shouting " I LOVE YOU!!!!" To each other.

Keith pulls himself out of lance and collapses on top of him. Keith rolls off of lance and pulls him into his arms and they fall asleep.

Lance wakes up to keith playing with his brown hair. Lance looks up and keith kisses, pulls bacl and says " last noght might have been the beat night of my life" a bright red blush goes across lances cheeks and wispers " me to". They hug and lance says " hey keith... did you like my new swim trunks" keith looks down at him and nods his head and the red paladin pulls the blue paladen in for a passionate kiss.

1115 words
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