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"why are there so many options for something as simple as crib?" chenle whined, along with a confused jisung holding eunki. the now-trio were in the baby section of a local retail store, going over every brand name that was supposedly the 'best out there'.

and you couldn't really blame the couple.

they simply wanted the best for eunki.

the boys were getting many, many stares thrown their way. and it wasn't because they were necessarily gay, there were countless gay and lesbian couples around the store. it was because of how young they were. strangers were just making assumptions to reason a teenaged couple with a baby.

chenle and jisung ignored the weird looks, and kept going with their business. by now their cart was overflowing in eunki's new clothing, baby food, diapers, a boxed stroller, toys, and pretty much anything a baby would need. the last thing they were looking for was a crib, but with the many options they had on display, it was getting slightly difficult to find an exact one.

"how about we stop stressing and just go with this one, we said it looked the best." jisung said, pointing to the light wooden crib on display. it was spacious for the baby and small enough to fit in the empty corner of jisung's room. chenle took a deep breath and closed his eyes, trying to stop his bunching thoughts all about a damn crib.

the younger could see the tension in his boyfriend, and slid his free arm around his waist, pulling the boy closer to him and gently kissing his forehead. "relax, le. we'll settle for this one alright?" he whispered soothingly in the elder's ear, knowing it was calming him. chenle wrapped his arms around his lover's torso and placed his head on eunki's tummy lightly. the baby's hands traveled to chenle's hair, messing it up.

jisung giggled at the two quietly, before politely asking the employee nearby them to bring them the displayed crib. she smiled and nodded, quickly walking off to the back rooms for what they needed.

after a short while, she came back with two other employees carrying the semi-heavy box. the couple moved most eunki's new clothing and toys to make room for the crib in the cart, which actually worked. the cart was getting almost impossible to push around, but they made it to the checkout line without that much of a problem.

"how are we going to take this all home?" jisung asked aloud, turning to chenle who furrowed his brows. "i don't know... how are we going to take this all home?" the elder questioned. they knew they had to think fast because they were already being checked out by the cashier. an idea suddenly popped into jisung's head, so he quickly pulled his phone out and dialed his cousin's number.

lucky for him, this particular cousin always came to the boy's aid when he needed it.

"taeyong, are you busy right now?" jisung asked on the phone, getting a face of confusion from chenle, who was next to him. "well hello to you too," taeyong said sarcastically. jisung had the habit of never actually greeting somebody on the phone, instead getting right to the point. "but no, i'm not really doing anything at the moment."

"is jaehyun with you?" the boy questioned. and just as his cousin was about to answer he suddenly heard a loud bang. "oh my god, this idiot..." he heard taeyong mutter. "what did you drop this time, jae!?" another distant voice came on the phone, which he quickly recognized as taeyong's fiancé.

"the vase with the roses by the hallway again! sorry baby!" jaehyun called out, making taeyong groan. "well hurry and clean it up! jisung needs us!" the red head shouted. "speaking of that, why do you need us again?"

jisung wondered if he just tell the truth or make up a lie as to why in the actual fuck, he has an overflowing cart of things for a baby. after moments of silence, taeyong started to worry that his cousin was in trouble.

"jisung? are you okay, what's going on?" the red head asked frantically over the phone, hearing the boy's loud sigh as he finally made his decision.

"i'll explain when you get here with jaehyun and one of his loading trucks. please, just don't overreact. okay?" jisung pleaded. taeyong on the other side of the phone, was making the most confused looking face at jaehyun, who he silently told with a wave of his hand to grab a jacket because they were heading out. "no promises, ji. but okay, i'll be there."

"fine. i'll see you soon." the boy sighed again as he ended the call and sent his cousin the address of the store they were in. he knew him and his fiancé didn't live far, and they would be there in a mere three minutes.

"who was that?" chenle asked, suddenly feeling very nervous. was he going to have to meet someone new? and if he was, were they going to be accepting of him and jisung? where they going to like him? questions completely flooded chenle's mind, and he was starting to feel anxious all over again.

"baby, calm down. it's just my cousin, and his fiancé owns a few big loading trucks. they're just gonna help us move everything we got back to the house." jisung explained while switching the arm he was using to hold eunki. the baby giggled and looked at jisung, cooing to himself.

chenle just shut his mouth and nodded, prepared for what was about to happen. he knew he was probably overreacting, but he couldn't help it. the boy was just not good with people.

the couple then walked out of the store after jisung paid (and didn't let chenle see the receipt). they stood at the front of the store, jisung overlooking the waves of cars parked in front of them, looking for the familiar loading truck he's seen a million times before.

and just like he predicted, the jaeyong couple got there within the few minutes it took.

but who knew all hell would break loose when taeyong stepped his short, red headed-ass out the car?

« 🌙 »

i have school tomorrow e eu vou morrer :')

you're appreciated. you're loved. and remember, you're never alone.

— áltura

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