[ doil ]

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"i-i really don't have the energy for this right now, taeil..." doyoung whimpered, turning away from his partner in his chair.

taeil frowned even deeper than he had been already. 

this was all his fault.

"love, please just let me apologize to you." the shorter male said quietly.

he shouldn't have lashed out at doyoung like that yesterday.

taeil was about to speak again, but the front door opened up, revealing johnny and ten with all their camera equipment in hand. chenle and jisung had arrived earlier, and were just waiting on those two to get here.

the tension in the room was incredibly thick. doyoung refused to speak and kept his head low while taeil looked incredibly distressed. johnny and ten simply excused themselves for bothering the couple, then left go join the two boys in their room.

taeil sighed, going around doyoung's spinning chair and to the side he was facing. the shorter plopped down in his husband's lap, facing him.

doyoung's hands mindlessly went around taeil's waist, like they have been doing ever since they were in high school. the elder cupped his partner's face and tilted it up softly, so their sad eyes met.

the night prior, when doyoung came home, taeil was mad. jihoon had been acting out terribly all day, but since the younger male wasn't there, taeil had to put up with it all day.

days when kids are like that can really tire a person out, and taeil found himself blaming doyoung for it.

doyoung is never home. doyoung doesn't see him as much as taeil sees him. doyoung can't help him out because he's always out at the studio.

yes, it was his job, and it was what was giving them money to live in a generous sized house. the elder knew he was in the wrong for blaming his partner, but with the pile of emotions he was feeling he couldn't really control himself.

that night, doyoung came home at his usual time, around one in the morning. taeil and jihoon would always be asleep, and he expected the same thing when he walked through the door.

but this time, taeil wasn't sleeping.

he was barely putting jihoon to sleep because of his fits and fussing.

when his husband saw doyoung, he didn't even acknowledge him and just headed to the bathroom. the younger thought it was weird, so he followed taeil into the bathroom. while the shorter washed his face, doyoung snaked his arms around his waist only to he pushed back.

"woah... what's wrong?" doyoung asked softly, since jihoon had just fallen asleep. taeil just threw him a nasty glare, which really hurt him.

doyoung was a person with an extremely sensitive heart. he gets hurt emotionally very easily, and he knew it was a weakness he had. he shouldn't like that, because it can just make people walk over him, but he can't help it.

he is who he is.

"did i do something wrong?" the taller frowned, reaching for taeil's hand and getting pushed back again even harder.

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