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jisung and chenle were now back at home with eunki after spending the entire day with their friends at the studio. the two bathed and dressed their baby into pajamas, with them going right after.

"i'm. tired." chenle mumbled, sighing deeply as he cuddled himself exhaustingly into jisung, who wrapped his arms around him lovingly. "it's late, rest up baby." the taller whispered, pecking chenle's lips before starting to play with his soft, semi-damp hair. "but i want to see our video again." the chinese boy said shyly, caressing jisung's stomach with his hand gently.

the younger chuckled, pressing a light kiss on his boyfriend's head.

"let me get my laptop then, alright?" jisung told, chenle nodding and propping himself up using the headboard of their bed. the taller walked over to his desk, silently grabbing his laptop and earphones off his desk because eunki was sleeping in his crib, and they didn't want to wake him up.

setting the electronic down on chenle's lap gently, the boy snagged the usb port laying on his nightstand and connecting it while the latter connected the earphones.

when they opened the laptop, a familiar purple color was quickly shown on the screen. it made jisung smile, looking at chenle's eyes light up seeing the two of them the day they shot the video.

the couple rewatched the content together, cuddled up close to each other and just being the moment. their eyes are glued onto the screen, all the way until the end and the video, where he screen faded off.

instead of pausing it, they decided to watch until the entire thing finished, even though it was just a black screen.

and it turns out, there was more at the end.

after the screen darkened for a while, the setting returned, and johnny and ten could be heard cheering loudly while jisung and chenle smiled, then kissed while they were still on the ground.

"oh my god, ten caught that on camera?" jisung gasped lightly, a light blush covering his face along with chenle's, who sheepishly cuddled further into his boyfriend's chest.

"we should post this on youtube." chenle mindlessly said, which actually light up an idea in both boys' heads. "i've been thinking that ever since we saw it back at the studio, but i didn't want to do anything without your consent," the younger explained quietly. "but if you're on board with it, then yeah; let's post it on youtube."

chenle didn't even have to think about it. he nodded his head and leaned forward to peck jisung's lips. "what could go wrong?"

and so, the couple filed the video onto youtube and uploaded it on a channel they made together, making sure to put ten's business email along with a thank you to him in their description.

after, jisung closed his computer and took the earphones off him and lover. he checked the time, and saw it was almost one in the morning.

the taller put his laptop back on his desk, yawning as he lazily fell back into bed and i'm his lover's arms.

they really had a nice day today.

"goodnight, love." chenle whispered at his sleepy boyfriend, who muttered a half-awake 'goodnight' in return. after that, the boys knocked out in each others' warmth.


"this is fake!" chenle shook his head as he saw jisung's laptop screen the following morning.

"i'm not kidding!" the younger exclaimed, eunki giggling louder because his parents' voices were growing higher as they each spoke.

chenle diverted his attention to the baby, quickly placing a kiss on his forehead before turning to jisung with the same shocked face he's had on since he woke up. the couple was planning on watching a movie early morning on jisung's laptop, but when the taller turned it on they were met by something else.

their dance video had gotten over one million views, in less than twenty four hours.

"this is crazy." the elder mumbled, only receiving a smile and soft kiss by his lover. jisung was also amazed, but he couldn't help finding chenle's reaction adorable.

"we should have ten film another video for us," the taller suggested, smiling down at eunki though he was talking to his boyfriend. "plus, i think someone wants to see jihoon again." jisung arched his brow down at the baby, who just cooed and made grabby hands towards him.

chenle smiled at the two humans in front of him, the ones bringing his life joy.

all was going well, until the couple heard footsteps coming from downstairs in the house.

more specifically, the familiar tapping of heels jisung hadn't heard in a really long time.

"jisung? are you here?"

a deep voice emerged from along with another feminine one, calling out for the boy.

jisung's parents were back home.

they didn't know he was gay.

they didn't know he had two new people living with him.

and they most certainly didn't know one of those people was an infant.

the door to his room opened up, revealing a jaw-dropped jisung, a frightened chenle, and a still-cooing eunki laying in the younger's arms.

jisung's parents' eyes widened the moments they saw the three, with his mother even dropping her purse as the two screeched in unison;

"you have a kid!?"

here we go, again...

« 💘 »

this is going to go either real bad or real good; which one do you think?

you're appreciated. you're loved. and remember, you're never alone.

— áltura

(dis not proofread lol)

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