[ eunki + jihoon ]

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the first day of school was pretty good.

pretty good, just for eunki.

it was terrible for jihoon.

his best friend was getting checked out left and right, mostly by boys the whole time.

they complimented his eyes, they called him pretty, they made him smile, they made him laugh.

and jihoon couldn't stand it.

he should be only one that gets to do all of those things. just him. the jealousy he was experiencing was getting harder and harder to conceal.

he felt like he was about to go off and all those boys trying to get at eunki.

but thankfully, the school day had just ended, and the two were now walking home side by side.

eunki knew everybody that talked to him was setting jihoon off mentally, but he honestly thought it was really sweet and cute.

more specifically, a jealous jihoon was cute.

"do you want ice cream?" the elder asked, looking down at his best friend. yeah, he might be a little taller than one of his parents, but jihoon was towering at around six foot three, making the younger look very small standing next to him.

eunki's face lit up in the most adorable way it possibly could've as he quickly nodded his head yes. jihoon laughed, and linked arms with his best friend, switching their route from eunki's home to the nearby ice cream parlor.

the two talked away during the short walk, until they got to the small, cozy parlor at the end of an always-busy street.

"i'll get us seats." eunki said, jihoon nodding as he stood in line. the elder didn't even have to ask what ice cream flavor eunki wanted. he already knew it was cookie dough.

the shorter had been in love with that flavor since he was a kid, and he never changed his mind about it.

eunki quickly found an empty booth next to a large window. he sat on one side while stealing glances at jihoon standing in line, finding him flawless. he giggled at how the people in front and behind him looked like ants compared to his tall stature.

jihoon came back with two ice cream cones in his hands, handing one over to eunki.

the shorter hugged jihoon, nuzzling his head into his neck, and thanked him. the elder smiled and cuddled him back, a light blush present on his face.

he swore eunki was too cute for him.

and they both began eating, somebody recording had walked up to them.

it was classmate from eunki and jihoon's school.

"hi you two!" he said, still recording them. jihoon was extremely confused, but eunki just smiled and waved adoringly to the camera. that made their classmate smirk.

"eunki, i have something for you." he said, holding something out towards the boy. eunki tilted his head slightly and held his hand out, only to have his classmate just grab and interlock his hand with the younger's.

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