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jisung awoke to the cutest sight he would ever see the next morning.

his boyfriend was awake and so was eunki. only this time, the baby was rather giggly and blubbery instead of whiny and crying. chenle was sitting slightly up on the bed's headboard, eunki perched on his lap. the elder was playing around with him adoringly, smothering him in gentle pecks which caused his giggling.

sleepy jisung smiled at the sight, moving closer to chenle and lazily nuzzling himself into his side, stealing his warmth. chenle wrapped an arm around jisung, playing with his blond hair while the other was holding eunki securely on his lap.

"my two babies..." chenle mumbled to himself, blinded by absolute happiness and surrounded by pure love. he was amazed as to how quickly his life had changed, in such little time.

and it was all because of the sleepy boy cuddled up next to him.

and for that boy, chenle would always be grateful.

his mind went back to reality because eunki had giggled yet again, a goofy smile present on his face, and because jisung had finally sat up with his hair sticking up in every direction possible.

the elder chuckled, leaning over and smoothing out his boyfriend's hair softly.

"his eyes really are amazing." jisung cooed in his morning voice, now getting a good look at eunki's eyes. they shimmered brightly, as if they were colored crystals. they contrasted with his pale, milky skin and black hair perfectly.

who could abandon a kid like this, really.

both boys got out of bed, with jisung holding eunki this time, and freshened themselves up for the day. they then went downstairs to the kitchen to make a small breakfast. jisung was cutting up a few fruits with his back turned to chenle, who continued playing around eunki.

"we need to go to the mall today, le. we need a crib, diapers, baby food because eunki's four months old and soon enough he'll need that instead of milk, clothes for him-"

"jisung, slow down. how are you going to pay for all that? are you sure you want to pay for all that? i-i really don't want you to spend-" elder tried to reason with jisung about what he saying, only to be cut off again by a pair of soft lips latching onto his.

the taller kissed eunki's forehead after.

"i have the money, baby. really, you don't have to worry about it." jisung told gently, smothering chenle in light kisses over his burning red face.

the boy wasn't used to the pet names jisung called him. at least, not yet.

"a-are you s-sure?" chenle stuttered, something his boyfriend couldn't help but find adorable. he gave him another short, yet reassuring kiss in response, before pressing their foreheads together. "i'm positive."

chenle nodded at the latter's words, slightly unsure about the idea but trying not to show it. jisung could see that in his face, but decided to leave it. at that point, the boys had forgotten about making breakfast and instead went back upstairs to change.

jisung ended up choosing chenle's outfit for him, because he was too busy watching eunki to do it for himself. the taller grabbed a pastel purple, fluffy and soft hoodie along with simple black jeans. he went with acid wash jeans and a plain black t-shirt for himself.

chenle put eunki down on the bed and turned to jisung, who had the boy's outfit in his hand. the younger raised his hands in the air, motioning for chenle to do the same. he obeyed, but with confusion written all over his face.

well, at least until jisung had thrown the big sweater over him, sliding and smoothing it down on his body tenderly.

"i can dress myself, you know." chenle mumbled, a blush taking over his features. jisung didn't reply, instead picked his boyfriend up and put him over his shoulders, sliding his jeans over him as well. "h-hey! s-stop that!" the elder shrieked, eunki just looking at them from the bed unamused.

if four month olds could talk, he would have a lot to say about how the situation looked like right now.

jisung finished, staring at his lover and his now cherry red face he tried to hide out of embarrassment. the younger pulled him by the waist into a hug while giggling, feeling chenle whine in his chest. jisung let him go, bending down to reach his height and peck his lips.

"you look cute." the taller complimented, only seeing chenle turn away from him to put his focus back on eunki. "i-i s-said i c-could dress myself though." he huffed, trying his best to disregard jisung behind him.

he wasn't actually mad, he just wanted to mess around with the younger.

and well, bad idea in his opinion.

jisung back-hugged his boyfriend and kissed the top of his head, not getting any type of reaction in return. chenle continued cooing and babying eunki, ignoring the warm arms around his waist. the younger pulled him closer towards himself, until their bodies were completely pressed together.

but still, the elder didn't even spare a glance.

as he was about to get out of jisung's grip and move away, chenle felt something traveling down his neck.

and surprise surprise; it happened to be the taller's soft lips.

jisung trailed open-mouthed kisses down the side of his neck, going back up and lightly kissing his jaw.

"w-what...a-are you doing?" chenle whimpered, closing his eyes when he felt his boyfriend start nipping and biting at a certain spot on his extremely sensitive skin. the foreign feeling was tying his stomach in knots, to the point where he had to set eunki back down on the bed because he suddenly felt extremely weak. seeing that only made jisung hold chenle tighter.

"stop ignoring me." jisung mumbled in the elder's ear, seeing his squirm in his firm hold. chenle quickly nodded and flung himself to face his lover, jumping on him and engulfing him in a hug. the taller pressed more kisses onto chenle's neck, though this time they were much more chaste and harmless.

"c-can we just go get things for the baby?" the shorter boy whined in embarrassment, still clutching tightly onto jisung. this made him laugh at how panicked chenle was, finding it adorable at the same time. the two shared an affectionate, lengthy kiss before the taller set chenle down and reached for eunki.

they headed out with the baby in jisung's arm, and the other laced with chenle's.

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time check; 04:01


i'm tired you guys, my bad

you're appreciated. you're loved. and remember, you're never alone.

— áltura

(dis not proofread)

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