12 ~ Toronto

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The next day we had to pack for the tour. It was really hectic well at least Harry was because let's face it I really didn't own much too take with me on a trip. "Harry are you almost done?" I yelled at him. "What?!" He yelled back."Are you done? Because I would like to eat now and I have to wait for you!" I was really hungry and that made me cranky.

"A shit, just one more minute love, I swear! "He shouted from down the hall and this made me giggle a bit because it was rather funny to watch him run around like crazy. Minutes went by and still no Harry so I decided to get him myself. I walked into the room and almost fainted by what I saw. It looked like there was an explosion in the bedroom. He made a real mess of everything. There were clothes everywhere and in his suitcase were so many hair products that I almost felt embarrassed because of the lack of hair products in my suitcase.

"Harry, please let's get something to eat before I famish" I said but he didn't respond so I went into the closet and there he was sitting on the floor. It scared the hell out of me "Harry?" I asked carefully then I noticed that his shoulders were shaking. I let myself drop on the floor next to him and took him in my arms "Ssst, it will be ok." I told him softly whilst stroking his back and kissing his head. I didn't know why he was crying but it freaked me out because he was always so carefree.

"Do you want to talk about it" I asked him after a few minutes "I'm sorry Sam, it's just I get really homesick and this is a way of dealing with it. Normally nobody would be around before we'd leave. I just didn't want you to see this," he told me embarrassed but this made me like him even more. "Sweetheart I would never think any less of you, this shows that you are just as human as everybody else and I only like you more for it!"

"Now let's get some food and after we've eaten we will continue packing" I hold my hand out for him to grab and I pulled him of the floor. I gave him a big hug and we went out for dinner. It was a nice restaurant. We had fish and Harry took sushi, he made me try one and I almost threw up. "My god, that is disgusting! How can you eat that?" I said whilst drinking my entire drink in one time to get rid of the horrible taste. "What, I just like it" he said innocently and I just rolled my eyes and enjoyed the rest of my salmon and salad, which were delicious.

By the time we got home we still had to pack and because it was already 11pm, we had to hurry because 6 hours later we had to get up and drive towards Heathrow airport.

The next morning we arrived just in time to board the private plain. It was really luxurious, which was awesome. No screaming kids or being cramped between people. Harry took me to the only seat that had two seats next to each other. This was so that I could sleep against him. This was so sweet of him because he remembered that I had nightmares if he wasn't next to me.

We had to turn of our electronics and there we went to Toronto, Canada. It was my first time flying this long and I was a bit anxious being in the air for so long. Sitting next to Harry made it all a bit better and soon I fell myself drift of.

"Wake up Love" Harry said softly in my ear and I opened my eyes to discover I was sprained all over him. So I quickly sat back in my own chair and fastened my seatbelt because we were about to land in Toronto. I was super excited for this because I was sitting next to the window and it really looked awesome!

30 minutes later we were on the ground and I was surprized of the amount of fans waiting to catch a glimpse of the guys. We were ushered into the checkouts. We didn't have to pick up our baggage because it was already in the car that brought us to the hotel.

When I got out of the car my mouth fell open because the hotel was huge and when we got inside it was even more beautiful then I thought it would be. "Alright listen up I've got the room keys here. Harry and Sam you two will sleep together in the room, please don't do anything I wouldn't do" Paul said with a smile on his face and this made me giggle. Harry just pulled me towards him and kissed me on my forehead.

"Let's get settled in shall we?" he asked me whilst dragging me towards the elevator. The other lads would be in the rooms next to us. We all decided to eat something together in the hotel. The room looked like it belonged in a romantic movie.

There was a king-size canopy bed in the middle of the room. On the wall there hung a huge TV screen and the bathroom was my wildest fantasy. There was a huge bathtub in the middle of the room and there were two sinks and a shower. The loo was a small room next to the bathroom. There was a huge closet. This room gave me the honeymoon vibes. "What do you think of the room Sam?" Harry asked me."I love it but it looks like a honeymoon suite but that's impossible right?" I turned to look at him and his eyes were really piercing right now. "No it's not impossible because this is the honeymoon suite" He said innocently. "What, but why?" I mean we weren't married.

"Because it's an awesome room and now I can watch you whilst you're bathing" Ha there was no way I was allowing that. "Not going to happened buster" He just laughed and I knew I was in trouble. Around 7pm, we went for dinner with the lads and after we had finished we went out to a club. This club was awesome and the music was also awesome or was this just the alcohol that was talking not that I cared. I was dancing with Niall when suddenly one pair of hand grabbed my hips and it scared the crap out of me because I knew it wasn't Harry.

"Let's dance sexy" the guy whispered in my ear and it send shivers down my spine. "Let go off me!" I told him but he wasn't budging. "We are just dancing so just dance" He continued to hold my hips and it made me nauseous and I felt a panic attack rising up. "Let go of me, please?" I struggled to get out of his arms."You like this just admit it" He pushed his groin against me and I felt sick. I just wanted to leave. So I tried to step out of his hold but he just grabbed my hips a bit tighter. I looked if Niall was still around me but I couldn't find him. "I saw your boyfriend, it's Harry styles isn't it?" he asked and I nodded carefully "Well let me say that he is a bit occupied at the moment," he pointed towards Harry and there she was Kendall Jenner. She was sitting on his lap and he let her.

"You see, you're nothing compared to her. That's why I'm dancing with you, to make sure she can get close to Harry but you're no fun" He released me after this. He watched me and I decided to just leave. I booked my own hotel room in a cheaper hotel. I got my bags as fast as possible and left a note for Harry. Telling him that it would be better if I stayed at another hotel so he could have his time with Kendall.

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