36 ~ Acceptance

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Sam's pov

I woke up with a terrible headache, I felt really sick and everything was hurting. It felt like my body had been working out a whole day. This was pretty weird because I hadn't done much yesterday except for moving my stuff to Harry's house. I didn't own much so that couldn't be it. I tried to sit up but I felt two strong arms around me and they wouldn't let me go. His arms were wrapping tighter around me and I felt him nuzzle his head into my hair. This made me smile. I know Harry wants to try everything to get me back the way we were, before I found a certain person who's name we won't mention.

The thing was though that we weren't the same person anymore and I know that's sounds strange because we haven't been apart for that long but I changed and I'm stronger now at least I feel stronger now. I pried out of his arms and quickly walked towards the bathroom to do my business but when I walked passed a mirror I stopped. My mouth fell open when I saw how I looked.

I looked horrendous it made me gasp. What the hell happened last night that I became so sick? I grabbed a towel and some clothes and stepped into the shower because I needed to feel clean again. While I was standing under the shower I heard a soft knock on the door. "Sam are you okay in there?" Harry asked and I hummed back not really wanting to answer because I didn't know if I was alright.

"I will make some breakfast," He shouted through the door and only the thought of food made me nauseous again and I had to sit down for a second. I let myself slide down the wall and sat on the ground with my head on my knees, catching my breath.

"Breakfast is ready" I heard Harry yell and I picked myself up and dried myself before putting on my clothes. I really needed new clothes because I don't even have a pair of pyjama bottoms and that was all I wanted to wear today. I settled for jeans and a sweater for now because I didn't had anything else that was loose enough. When I entered the kitchen I smelled pancakes and to my surprise I didn't mind that one bit. I quickly took a seat at the table. Harry was already waiting opposite from me and he smiled at me "How are you feeling?" he asked and I was debating that.

I mean I felt better but also not. It was a confusing feeling to be honest. "I'm feeling a bit better and thanks for taking care of me," I said gratefully to him and he waved it away. "It's not a problem at all, you're my girl even if you don't want to admit that. And I take care of my girl and our baby, that's just what I do" It was so sweet of him but I also knew what he was planning to do tonight during an exclusive interview. Luckily for him it was on the radio, so no one could see him except for Scott Mills and his team. "So what are you going to say?" I asked with a small voice and he looked at me before saying something.

"I'm going to tell them the truth well sort off"

"What do you mean with that?"

"Well I have to tell them that we are in a relationship and I'm going to tell him that we are expecting a child and that we've never been more happy about something" I gulped at that and felt the nerves building inside me.


"I'm sorry Sam but it's the only way" He explained apologetic."I know, it's okay" We ate our pancakes in silence but it was comfortable one. "Would you like to go shopping?" Harry asked and I wanted nothing more but I couldn't afford a lot of clothes and I didn't really want to accept Harry's money. I eyed him and he was sighing visibly.

"Before you are going to be your stubborn self, I've got you a credit card with 5000 pounds on it and I want you to use it for clothes and everything you want"

"I can't accept that Harry, it's way too much"

"It's not and it's my money so I can do whatever I want with it and you need new clothes. I know you don't have a lot of money"

"You worked so hard for that money Harry, it doesn't feel good to use it"

"I understand it Sam but just take it please?" He held out the credit card, I really didn't want to use it but what other options did I have. Yes I get my paychecks every month but it wasn't that much and most of it I put on my savings account. I gazed at him from beneath my hair because I had my face planted on the table by now and I only held out my hand and he put it in my hand.

"Thank you," I mumbled and I heard him stand up and next thing I feel is a kiss on the top of my head. I feel him walk away but I still keep my head on the table. Why does he want to spend his money on me I mean I do appreciate it but it's too much. I don't want people to think I'm here because of his money because that's just not true. I love him because of who he is. Wait again with the love what wrong with me. I stood up in the meantime and grabbed my coat, scarf and shoes. "Harry?!" I yelled and he came walking down the corridor rather quickly.


"I'm going to get me some clothes then, that is if you don't mind?"

"I don't mind but I can't join you. Management just called and we have an exclusive interview with BBC but you already knew that of course" he said a bit embarrassed. "Yeah, good luck with that, I hope that everything will be fine after you told the world" I said to him whilst looking at the floor.

This was something I did a lot at the moment but why I was doing that I just don't know. It had probably something to do with the fact that I felt so uncomfortable most of the time. Not because of Harry but because of the situation we were put in. He didn't seem to mind though.

I was walking towards the door and Harry was behind me and then it hit me I didn't even had a car so I had to take the underground. "Sam, I've got something for you" Harry said, which made me look behind me. He was playing with car keys and it weren't his car keys. A dreadful feeling was creeping his way to my face and I knew that those keys were for me. "Harry did you buy a car for me?" I said full with disbelief. He was looking sheepishly at me and was nodding. I sighed at this "I can't belief you did that Harry, tell me that it is a used car, please" He was already shook his head at me. I wanted to object but I knew that it would be pointless.

I kept walking outside and that's when I saw my car. It was an Audi RS Q3 in blue and my mouth had fallen open whilst looking at the car. "WOAH" was al I could say and I heard Harry chuckle. "This car is beautiful but its too much Harry," I said sadly and I guess he was sick of hearing that.

He grabbed my chin so I had to look at him "Sam please understand that it's my money and if I want to buy a car for you I bloody will. I know you're afraid that I'd think that you're only here because of my money but I know that you don't give a fuck about that kind of stuff, so just accept it okay?" he stated and I was quite impressed by this speech and I again held out my hand for the keys.

He put them there and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you Harry" I smiled at him and he shrugged as if it was no big deal. "You're welcome now go and have some fun" he said and I quickly got into my car and looked back just once and waved before I drove towards the shopping mall.

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