13 ~ Trouble

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Harry's pov

I looked everywhere for Sam but I couldn't find her. What a night this is turning out to be. First I have Kendall climbing on my lap and then she began to straddle me by moving her hips. At that point I also lost sight of Sam. I also tried to push Kendall of my lap this turned out to be much more difficult then I had imagined.

God I don't know what I ever saw in her. "Listen Kendall you need to get of off me now or I will throw you of off me!" I said with a raised voice. "Come on Harry I know you like it. I mean what are you thinking dating a girl like that. You can do so much better!" she said trying to sound seductive but it only made me hate her more and I don't hate a lot of people.

"She is 10 times better then you will ever be and now get off me!" I pushed her of my lap and she fell on the floor and this made me laugh, "I warned you". Next thing I did was looking for Sam but she was nowhere to be seen and I feared that she saw me with Kendall. "Guys I need to go. I think Sam went back to the hotel because she saw me with Kendall" I quickly explained. "God, I hope she didn't because she will think the worst" Louis told me with a sad note in his voice. "Yeah thanks Louis that's exactly what I needed to hear right now"

I ran towards the car and drove towards the hotel and when I reached the door I had a feeling that she wouldn't be there.


Only silence met me and I saw that the drawers were open and empty and I knew what she did but she couldn't be far and I immediately ran towards the service desk and asked how many hotels there where in the neighbourhood. She told me the expensive ones but I knew that she wouldn't go there because she had no money for it."I'm looking for the cheaper ones" The woman behind the desk was definitely judging me and it made me uncomfortable."There are three hotels who are cheap, they are two blocks away from here sir" She told me without looking at me.

"Thank you so much" I could kiss her but I didn't of course. I ran out off the hotel and ran two blocks. luckily for me they were placed next to each other. Bad marketing though but what do I care?

I went inside the first and asked if they had a girl checking in under the name Sam Green but they all told me there wasn't and you had to pay in cash so they didn't care if you changed your name into something else. I sat in front of the hotel and then I remembered that she changed her name.

How could I be so stupid to forget such a thing so there I went again and asked for an Elisabeth Alistair and I did not succeed in the first two hotels but the third one had an Elisabeth Styles staying. This made me feel happy inside as she used my last name. I knew it was her so I asked which room she was in.

First she didn't want to tell me but I smiled at her and she was pudding in my hands. I ran towards the elevator and when I got out of the elevator I really felt nervous and I hoped she would let me explain. I was standing in front of her door deciding what to do next. Should I knock or just wait till she got out. God I was scared.


An hour later...

I finally had enough courage to knock whilst I was sitting on the floor. It was this or singing and I didn't want other people to hear I was sitting here like a loser that screwed up with the woman of his life.  I raised my hand and knocked. I was hoping she was asleep but she wasn't and when she opened the door I actually fell backwards. "What the hell are you doing here Harry?" she said angry and boy was she angry.

"I was worried and I needed to explain"

"You don't need to explain. I saw you with Kendall and it looked like you were enjoying what she did with you" She was fuming by now and I had to take a deep breath before I continued."I wasn't really you have to believe me"I stood up and walked after her and slammed the door. "Why should I" She asked with her hands on her hips, boy did she look hot right now.

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