25 ~ Thinking

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Harry hold me in his arms whilst he pulled me towards our booth. He pulled me next to him and when I looked up at his face he was just smirking and I wanted to slap him in the face.  "Why are you laughing" I seethed and I felt his body go up and down from laughter and it made me even more furious. "You, You make me laugh" He chuckled and he turned me around and stroked my face and pushing a piece of escaped hair behind my ear. It was actually a really nice gesture even though I didn't want it now.

"How dare she, showing up like that," I said through clenched teeth "I think I know why she is here" Harry said with a guilty look on his face."Care to enlighten me" I asked whilst turning my gaze at him. And he smirked apologetic "I think my mum send her here, even though I didn't tell her about this date" He swears and I believe him because why would he take me here then.  I don't get what her problem is and with me being pregnant it's just too much to take in. I never did anything to her so why would she treat me like crap. I never wanted Harry because of his fame or money.

"Maybe I should go home, I don't want to stand between you and your mother Harry" I mumbled whilst getting up and that's when I felt lightheaded. I had to grab the table to keep myself up and I immediately felt two arms steadying me.

"Are you alright?" Harry asked and I wanted to nod my head but before I could do that he opened his mouth already "And don't say that you are because you almost fainted, is this my fault?" he asked and if I weren't feeling this bad I would've laughed at this but I just couldn't. "It's not your fault but I do want to go home" I told him, he nodded whilst standing up.

"I will take you home then" And before I could walk he lifted me in his arms and carried me to the waiting car and of course we couldn't get in without paparazzi showing up. I kept my head hidden in his chest and he quickly put my in the car. I grabbed my sunglasses and put them on waiting for Harry to get in. When he finally did I saw he had something with him but I decided to not ask about it when he drove towards my place.

We were silent during the ride and normally I would hate these silences because they were often really awkward but this time it wasn't and I just sat there thinking about what happened and what is going to happen and I must confess that I'm a bit scared, not because I'm not ready for this baby but the outside world scares me a bit and especially all those paparazzi and then of course his mother that doesn't like me one bit even though I never did anything to her. It's just not what I had pictured I thought whilst staring outside.

Harry's Pov

I looked over at Sam she was finally asleep and I was wondering when that would happen. What she did back there in the lunchroom it amazed me. I never thought she would do that. When she saw Kendal I saw her head getting really red and not the blush kind of red no the anger red and then she just jumped out of her seat and ran over to Kendal and slapped her right in the face.

I was shocked that she would do that but I had to get her away from there because she is pregnant and she shouldn't be getting into fights with anyone and especially not with someone who isn't worth her time and day. I quickly got up and when I was almost there Sam opened her mouth and screamed "HARRY IS MINE, YOU HEAR ME!! SO STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM HIM OR I WILL BREAK YOUR NOSE!!"   I felt my mouth fall open at that and then I couldn't help but smile at this because never in a million years I thought she would say anything like that but apparently she really hated Kendal.

Speaking of which, they were really fighting I had to get her away from there and I guess the owner thought the same as he nodded to me and we quickly pulled them apart. I grabbed Sam and he grabbed Kendal but it was not easy to hold Sam and of course she sprained or even broke Kendal's foot but for now I couldn't care less. It was her own damn fault.

I pulled Sam back to our booth and I stayed there with her wrapped in my arms. She just needed to relax and I was silently laughing and she didn't like that at all and she told me to stop laughing, which only made me laugh even more.

After a while she just wanted to take me home and when she got up she stumbled and almost fell backwards. That's when I realised how much energy this had taken of her and I lifted her in my arms and started walking to my car. Of course there were paparazzi filming and photographing every move we made, which made Sam put her head against my chest. Normally I would enjoy this but they were spoiling it for me again. I sighed and put her in the car and closed the door.

Then I remembered that I still had a present for her lying in my favourite lunchroom so I quickly had to go back and get it. It was a small package and I would give it to her when we got home. I climbed in and saw her curiously staring at the package but she didn't say anything. She turned away from me with a frown on her face and I knew she was thinking about every detail of what just happened and after a while she fell asleep.

I carried her upstairs with a bit of help from her employees and when I finally got her in bed she wouldn't let go of my hand, so I climbed on her bed and she immediately put her head on my chest, which made me smile because in her sleep she did miss me and she wanted me near. It's just too bad she didn't wanted to admit this to herself when she was awake. Life would be so much simpler if she just gave in but I know she is stubborn, so I just have to try my hardest to get her back I suppose. I looked around her room and I loved what she did to the place. It was classy and really simple.

The bed was big enough for two people and it was a canopy bed of dark wood. Her closet was also from dark wood and her carpet was a crème colour just like her curtains. I wondered if they were dark enough during the morning or maybe she didn't need darkness to sleep. She had a TV standing in front of her bed and next to her TV she had a docking station for her iPhone. It was just really lovely and it was so her.

I looked at her sleeping, knowing that I had to leave before she woke up. I didn't want her to be upset that I cuddled with her in bed because she clearly didn't want me doing that in this stage of our returning relationship. She was just so hurt from what Kendal did. She just couldn't trust me yet and that bothered me.

Never did I want to give someone a feeling like they couldn't trust me and yet I gave it to the woman I love the most. Even though it's not completely my fault, I just wished that she never saw what happened in that damn club because then we wouldn't be in this mess. We would still be happy and celebrating the news of our baby but now I just have to do everything in my power to get her trust back and that's exactly what I intend to do.

She shifted away from me and that was my cue. I got of her bed as quiet as possible and before I left her apartment I wrote her a letter and put the present I got her next to it and I hoped she liked it.

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