32 ~ Kicking

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When I woke up the bed was empty again. Why did Harry always leave before I woke up, didn't he like to stay in a bit longer. I put my feet on the ground and the first thing I noticed was how cold the floor was. The heat must be off because damn it was cold. I quickly put on some socks and my bathrobe. My search for Harry began and to my surprise I didn't see him anywhere and the thought that he just left without so much as a goodbye stung a bit.

I walked into the kitchen and made myself a hot cup of tea. I sat down on the counter whilst drinking my tea and I was happy about the fact that I had no morning sickness yet because normally I would be hanging above the toilet but it all felt really calm in my stomach. I stood up and out of nowhere I felt a pain in my belly and I was almost panicking. I quickly put my hand on my belly and that's when I felt movement beneath it and I realized it was the baby kicking.

A smile appeared on my face and I did a small victory dance. 'You just kick, small one I don't mind' I told the baby and he or she reacted at my voice with another kick but the thing with kicking is that it was pressing on my bladder so I ran to the toilet and did my business and whilst walking out of the bathroom I heard my phone ringing and I quickly grabbed it. "Hello?"

"Good morning Love" Harry's voice said cheerful and to be honest it was way to cheerful for this time in the morning."Good morning, where are you?" I asked a bit offended and he giggled when he heard the tone of my voice "I'm at home making your room ready and I'm sorry that I left without so much as a goodbye but you were looking so peaceful that I didn't want to wake you" God how can I be mad at him when he says it like that so I shook my head and the baby kicked again and I let out a groan.

"What's wrong" Harry asked with a worried voice and I quickly told him what was happening "Well if you had stayed, then you could feel the baby kick" I said a bit smug and he was silent for a second "You're kidding aren't you? He said astounded and that made me stifle back a giggle. "Nope" And I popped the P and he grunted at that. "I'm coming back immediately" and he just hung up the phone.

I was not going to wait for him so I took a shower in the meantime and got dressed in a black skirt with black stockings and a floral blouse with a blazer over it and for once I was completely satisfied about how I looked today. I was walking out if the bathroom when my front door was closing and I was grabbed by my waist and I jumped straight into the air "OMG are you crazy you scared me half to death Harry" he was laughing at me his, I was grabbing my chest and was kneeling down.

"I'm sorry. Wait you know what I'm not sorry" he giggled and I smacked his arm softly as he pulled me up and before he gave me his hug he went straight for my belly and touched it and he had to wait for it. "Maybe you should talk to him or her" I suggested and he got down on his knees and was a little hesitant at first but he still went for it

"Hi kiddo, I'm your daddy and I love you already" and his eyes went wide because he or she was kicking at his voice and even though I loved that there was movement it wasn't the most nice feeling in the world. 'Alright slow down love' I told my baby softly and it was like he or she heard me because the kicking had stopped. Harry was standing up and before I knew it he kissed me passionately and I could help myself but I kissed him back and I eventually put my hands in his hair and realized something. He had cut his hair!! When did he do this and why? Not because he knew I was hating it right? I quickly pulled back and saw him grinning at me when he realized what I was staring at.

"Do you like it" was he really asking me this. My god he looked like his handsome self again not that he ever was not handsome but he looked even more handsome with shorter hair. Don't get me wrong he still has long hair but it was the way it was in 2013 and he was so handsome in that year. It felt like we stepped back in time.

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