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It was finally the day of their concert. Everyone was ready, they had eaten breakfast and everything. They all got in the car, it was still dark as it was extremely early in the morning. Yoongi, of course was sleeping. Jungkook just played on his phone and Taehyung stared out the window. Jin just looked out the window and didn't say anything.

"We will go to a shop on the way to pick up snacks. Ok?" Namjoon said. Everyone nodded their heads except for yoongi as he was asleep, and the driver stopped at a shop.

"Yoongi! Wake up!! We are going in the shop, and you are coming with us whether you like it or not." Jungkook smirked. "Shut up. Fine, I'll go in. But you will be sorry.." Yoongi snarled. They all went in the shop. They all bought some food and drinks then got back into the car.

Jin opened a packet of Oreos. Seconds after, he heard everyone scream. "What?! What's going on?!" Jin was panicked. "YOU... HAVE... OREOS..!!!" Taehyung yelled. "Uh, and?" Jin was confused. "GIMME!!" Jimin yelled, trying to grab an Oreo but failing as Jin pulled them away. "Did someone say Oreos?!" Yoongi woke up, rubbing his eyes. He was sat by Jin, so without him noticing he took one.

"How come you got them Hyung? I didn't see them in the shop!!" Jungkook whined. "I already had them so I brought them with me. They are just Oreos, get over it." Jin chuckled. Taehyung looked at Jin with puppy eyes. "Ugh.. Fine." Jin just gave them the packet to fight over. "CAN WE STOP AT PANDA EXPRESS?" Taehyung asked. "Do we have enough time?" Namjoon asked. "Yeah, you guys do." The driver said. "Ok, we will stop at Panda Express then." Namjoon smiled, seeing how happy that made Taehyung.

When they got to Panda Express, they all ordered their meals and sat down with them. Hoseok had sprite, of course. "Panda Express is the bomb." Taehyung said, while eating fries. "AND SPRITE!" (lmao) Hoseok added.

Finally they got back in the car and drove to their destination. They had to practise a while before they performed at 9pm tonight. They had to practise the choreography and the singing.

They were all extremely nervous.

Sorry if this chapter was bad. Nothing really happened in it lol. But I'll try and make it more interesting in the next one. Bye~~~~

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