Chapter 9

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Picture is of Doad Jefengs, without his Capital looks



I look out my window in disgust. As our train heads towards the Capital, I frown. I hate that place. I really do. Its full of fakes, fun-addicts, and citizens oblivious to how life really is. Its a place of terror for those who don't want to be there, who are forced to be there. People like me. A painful cramp comes over my stomach. Although I'm not due for another 3 months, I get painful contractions because of the stress my body and brain has gone through. I sit down, holding my stomach and forcing myself to breath deeply. I hope our stay here is short.

We weren't able to leave until yesterday afternoon. Cato had had to find someone to run his massive business while he is in the Capital. After thinking for a while, he appointed my brother Christoph manager of most of the businesses Cato now owns. His father had shares in most of the businesses, owning most of them, in District Two. His main profit came from the Career trainings. James Jacov was in charge of how most of them trained, he owned almost all of the training centers, all the trainers answered to him, and he was majorly feared by all. Even though he was a sweet man, he still had a reputation of cold-heartedness that he kept up.

I've only been gone a day and I already miss the twins. I smile. Anila agreed to watch them. That poor woman. I start thinking, flashing back to this morning.

Anila is holding Chase's hand as I hold Myna in my arms, the last time for a while. Anila says with a smile, "Oh don't worry about us three. I will love watching my grandchildren, I know they will be angels. So don't worry about a thing." I'm about to hand Myna over when she throws her arms around my neck, holding tightly. I speak gently, "Myna baby, I need to go. Please let go sweetheart." She looks up at me, tears in her eyes. They start streaming down her face, making me want to let the ones I've been holding back go.

She says with a trembling lip, "Don't want you to go mommy!" I sigh, holding the tears back. If I start crying, she'll start crying more and then I know I won't be able to leave at all. "Myna, I've got to go. but I'll be back soon. I promise. I'll be back in no time at all." She says in her quiet voice, "I wanna go with you. I wanna see Capital too." I hug her before prying her away from me. "Maybe you can come later and visit?" She looks at Anila. I nod my head up and down like its vibrating behind Myna's back. Anila sees the nod and smiles at Myna, "Of course dear, but you need to let go first." I set her down an boarded the train with Cato, both of us waving until the doors closed.

I take a sip of the tea I had made moments before as the memory fades, the medicinal leaves chilling the pain in my stomach. I hear the train door open and close behind me, but I don't turn around to see who it is. Strong arms wrap around my shoulders. I look up to see Cato's handsome face beaming down at me. "Hey." He says. I reply, "Hey yourself." He kisses the top of my head. "How are you doing?" I smile, "Pretty good, just tired, and slightly lonely." Cato grins playfully. "Well I think I can fix the latter." He bends down and touches his lips to mine. I grin. I break away and say, "Yes you can." But before I can pull him down for another kiss, we hear the train doors open and close once more, the intruder stealing our privacy away from us.

Its our district escort, Kyrsta. Her hair is still cobalt blue, although it now has hot pink ends and its pink on the top of her head, where her part is. Her dress is jet black and is made in a very tight piece of fabric. She waddles when she moves it's so tight. The dress is covered in pink and blue sparkles and has a yellow sash running from the shoulder to the hip. She has on the most ugly shoes, they are bright orange heels with what look like black thorns sticking out around the ankle-strap and bottom of the shoe.

Kyrsta speaks in her high, squeaking, and completely annoying voice, "You both are so lucky!" She claps her hands childishly as she walks into our train car. "You are the talk of the entire Capital! Everyone wants to be near you, so there is a major list of interviews and parties and parades and special banquets you are invited to attend. Everyone wants to say they hosted you!!" Kyrsta gushes before pulling out her calendar-planner that she carries everywhere with her. She starts speaking again as she stands opposite me but I tune her out for the moment as Cato takes a seat beside me. I lean against him, resting my head on his chest. He gently lays his arm around my shoulder. This small gesture of love makes me smile. I hadn't realized how starved for his attention I had been. I lean into his chest, his arm wrapped around my waist.

His body heat floods into me, heating me up from the chill I felt this morning. I grab his hand, interlocking our fingers, and smiling. I'm about to reach up and kiss his cheek when a squeal from Kyrsta brings me out of my thoughts of my husband.

She claps her hands, rapidly and repeatedly as her voice comes back to me. "And then.." She pauses for several minutes as if she wants to prolong the agony of having her stand there, pushing herself into our space, and our time alone. "You have meetings with major officials from the Capital, not to mention your almost everyday exclusive interviews with," She gasps slightly, a ridiculous child-like look passing over her face as she continues, "Caeser Flickerman!!" She dramatically clasps her hands over her heart and swoons into the chair behind her.

Well. Three guesses as to who Kyrsta Razz's new heartthrob is. And the first two guesses don't count. But I have a feeling that her feelings for Flickerman will be fleeting. Only yesterday at the train station, she was commenting on how cute President Snow's nose was. I shudder slightly at the thought. Ew. Just, ew. Snow is somewhere around fifty I'm guessing, while Kyrsta is in her early twenties. Talk about creepy.

As Kyrsta continues to talk about how magnificent our busy busy week will be, I can feel my eyes drooping again. I didn't realize how weak I was. I hold onto Cato's shirt, senses enveloped in his sweet cologne, his strong arms holding me close to his masculine torso. I need him to hold me close, lend me his strength in times that I feel inclined to lean against him. Times like now. My eyelids fall. I don't fight sleep now. It envelops me.


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