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Note: Junwoo is fictional he is actually no-body!

"Well Y/N we are waiting!" Irene said as she crossed her arms "I don't really know my heart yet... but I think I like that Junwoo kid" You said as your cheek's flushed slightly.

"AW!" Joy said, "don't fall for that kid..." Seulgi said and Wendy was looking down "what why?" You asked "Because he's a playboy and from what I heard, you don't need that" Wendy said.

"Oh...well then but he call's me cute and hugs me!" You said and pouted "that's only for him to get into your pants, hun..." Seulgi said and your eyes widen.

"And that's the last I hang out with him," You said and looked down "Changing the topic! Joy what do you think of Y/N?" Yeri said with a smirk.

"The last time you asked us and we were honest we almost stopped talking to each other!" Irene said and you sighed "Go ahead Joy says the truth," You said and looked at Joy.

"Okay... I'm going, to be honest, I never had a boyfriend cause I've been...lesbian for some girls like Y/N... She's cute and everything" Joy said and your eyes widen.

"Wowa wowie," Irene said as everyone was shocked while Joy was blushing and embarrassed "It's okay...I might not date you but I'd still support you" You said and rubbed Joy's shoulder and she smiled at you.

"Thank you," She said and you smiled back at her "Your welcome," You said and the night kept going like that until you all crashed.

(The next morning)

You woke up and changed and did a little morning routine at Yeri's until you left and walked home still feeling like your being watched.

You walked through the door and saw your mom with her head down "You went drinking didn't you?" You asked as you walked over to her but she just snored.

"That's a yes cause I know you," You said and shook your head and went to your room.


You got up and got ready for school and walked to school

You entered the building and knew you'd be alone for a while cause your friends are all taking a vacation somewhere for a week.

You walked to your locker and put your stuff in it "Hey Pretty" Junwoo said as a smiled at you and looked at him with cold eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he tried to back hug you but you moved away from him and the hallways were empty.

"Junwoo...I know what you're trying to do and It isn't working anymore!" You said as you slammed your locker door.

"I know you're only being nice to me to get with me and I'm not having it," You said as your cold eyes stared into his soul.

He left out a sigh and looked around to see no-one there.

He grabbed you by the throat and slammed you against a locker "Listen here... You don't say anything or I will kill you...and you know how this town is!"  Junwoo said as his eyes filled with anger as he stared into your eyes.

Your eyes filled with fear as he stared at you and his large hands covered your full neck.

"S-should I?" Haechan thought as he saw the situation "No...I'll kill him later" He murmured as he watched with cold eyes the situation going on.

You were on the floor crying as he hit you and eventually stopped and walked away "Hey are you okay?" Haechan asked as he walked over to you and got on his knee's to look at her face.

You cried into his lap as you hugged his waist and he felt awkward as he began to pet your head.

"It will be alright I promise " Haechan whispered to you and you smiled slightly.

(later on)

Haechan slowly stalked in the hallway Junwoo as Junwoo was walking to the locker room "Hey bro I'm going to get a shower" Junwoo said to his friend and his friend nodded and walked the other way as Junwoo walked into the locker room.

Haechan was quiet until Junwoo stopped and took off his clothes and put a towel around his waist.

Junwoo walked over to the shower and turned it on "Hey you!" Haechan said as he ran over to Junwoo "Yes? can I help you?" Junwoo asked as he raised an eyebrow.

Haechan reached in his pocket and pulled out a knife and Junwoo's eyes widen "H-hey man what did I do to you?" Junwoo said as he slowly backed away and Haechan stalked closer.

"You messed with Y/N Senpai... You will pay..." Haechan said as he lifted up the knife and the floor was covered in red blood but the water slowly washed it away.

Haechan laughed creepily as he threw his head back a little bit "That felt good to do that..." Haechan said to himself with a smirk as he picked up Junwoo's dead body and sneaked it outside to his car without a trace.

"No one screws with Y/N unless they want to pay a price," Haechan said to himself as he washed the blood off his hands and looked in the mirror.

"Y/N will be mine," He said as he smirked to himself and looked at the time "It's lunch... time to see what will happen" He murmured and walked to the cafeteria center for lunch.

He saw you sitting alone and walked over to you "Hey Y/N do you need someone to sit with?" Haechan asked and you nodded.

He sat down beside you and you rested your head on his shoulder and he blushed as he looked at you "I love you" He thought as you closed your eyes and he smiled.

"Thank you for helping me earlier," You said and he nodded "I'd love to help you anytime you need to," Haechan said

"Do you think we can hang out later... I don't really want to go home" You said with a pout "Sure anywhere is fine...but why don't you want to go home?" Haechan asked and you looked at him.

"Because... My dad is abusive...and my mom's a drinker" You said and he pouted and hugged you "It's okay...I understand that where do you want to hang out at?"  Haechan asked and you smiled at him.

"How about the amusement park?" You asked and he nodded "Yeah we can go there after school," He said with a smile.

"Well, I'm bored and going to walk in the hallways want to join?" You asked and he nodded and you guys got up and started to walk in the hallways.

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