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(I am here to say I am officially back school is out and I will be writing)

You stared out the window until you saw land, you shook Taeyeon lightly to wake her up when the plane landed and stood up walking past her to get your bags. 

"We're landed now, let's go and check out our new amazing world!" you said with a smile as she yawned and stretched looking at you and smiling.

"Okay, hold on Y/N" Taeyeon said and stood up grabbing her bag and walking off the plane while you followed her. 

She walked out to the front of the airport while you followed and waved for a taxi, she put the things in the trunk of the taxi once one stopped in front of you both.

You got in and afterwards, she did, "To the closest hotel, " Taeyeon said in Japanese as she buckled up and so did you and the driver nodded beginning to drive.

Once the driver stopped in front of a hotel you got out and looked around with your mouth gaped open from the beauty of the city.

Taeyeon giggled softly getting the bags out of the trunk and walking over to the door signaling for you to come.

You walked over to her and took your bag from Taeyeon as you both walked in the hotel lobby. You looked around and at a fish tank while waiting for Taeyeon to get a room.

Once Taeyeon tapped your shoulder and walked to the elevator you followed and waited humming the song playing in the elevator until it hit the 5th floor.

You both walked out and went to the room and she opened the door while you smiled.

"This is amazing! I'm glad we went here" You said and Taeyeon smiled while you put your bag on your bed.

"I'm glad you like it, but what if he does find you?" Taeyeon said doing the same as you. You hummed thinking "Then I don't know, I was thinking about tomorrow I or WE can go out and explore the city of Osaka?!" You said smiling and she chuckled nodding.

"Depends I still have some work to catch up on so maybe, if not you can go yourself. like a date with yourself!" Taeyeon said and began unpacking and you nodded doing the same.

"Also I'll have to find a school for you to go to" Taeyeon added and you looked at her "But I don't know Japanese," You said "I can give you some Japanese lessons and if you still can't speak or understand Japanese in a week then I will make you a foreign transfer student." Taeyeon Explained.

You listened and nodded folding your clothes and putting them in a drawer "Sounds good, what should we eat for dinner?" You asked and Taeyeon sat there thinking "Ramen? I'll give you money and you can go and get some" she said and you smiled in agreement.

You put on your mask and a jacket while Taeyeon gave you money and you went down to the streets and looked around while walking to a ramen shop.

You walked into a ramen shop and waited in line while watching the tv, the news was on and your eyes widen as Haechan showed up. 

You looked at the clerk and pointed to the tv as you were the last one in line. "Sir, what can you tell me about that?" you asked and he looked at the tv and sighed "That kids wanted for a mass murder going on in a town in Korea, apparently he's looking for a girl." the clerk explained.

You felt your heart drop as a sketch of the girl was shown on tv and it was you "Hey look it's the girl he's looking for" the clerk said looking at you, you just handed him the money and bought some ramen.

you walked home slowly, terrified. He's capable of so much but there are only bad things he's like a ticking bomb you never know what will happen next or when he will blow up.

You looked over your shoulder until you got into the elevator and got up to your floor and ran through the door setting the ramen on the dresser and looked around for Taeyeon.

A sigh of relief left your lips once you heard the shower water and a soft 'Hello' from a familiar voice. "It's just me I was worried, I brought the ramen" You yelled 

"Thank you, you can start eating I'll be out in about 15 minutes" Taeyeon yelled back as you smiled softly and poured some boiling water into the ramen and stirred it up.

You turned on the tv and watched some anime while eating and waited for Taeyeon to come out. "So why were you worried?" Taeyeon asked as she opened the bathroom door.

"Haechan was on the news," You said in a low voice "And?" Taeyeon asked "Well, He went on a murdering spree back home, saying he wants me back and will kill anyone in his way" You explained.

Taeyeon's expression transitioned from calm to worried. Taeyeon walked over to you and pulled you into a hug "It'll be alright, I'll call the police to report this, hopefully, they can help" Taeyeon said rubbing your back and arm. 

"Thank you, for being here with me through this time," You said and sniffled keeping your tears in. "Of course, I'll always be here for you, since you have ate you should get a shower and maybe sleep you need it, I'll go outside and have a conversation with the police" Taeyeon said and you nodded.

You walked to the bathroom and shut the door getting ready for a shower while Taeyeon went out the balcony and went on the phone to talk to the police.

~~~~~ To be continued~~~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2019 ⏰

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