Shrek In Trouble And Cuphead Does SOm Gay Shit

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Shrek went over to the door as Cuphead was still lying on the table with his pants off. Shrel opened the door and saw the police standing at the fucking door. "What do you want you stupid niggers?". One cop said "You have bein using illegal drugs and kidnapped, raped, and killed 69 people". Cuphead was proud to hear of shrek's achievements but the cops put Shrek in handcuffs and took him to jail. Cuphead tried to run after them but he just fell on the road and scratched his dick. Cuphead went back to his house and opened the door to see Mugman sitting on the couch with his dick hanging out. Cuphead stared at the dick, he went over to touch it but Mugman was all like "WTF ARE YOU DOING YOU NIGGER?????????????????!??!".  "I want you to rape me" Cuphead said. "no" said Mugman. "Please, you did it to me all the time as kids". "Thats because you were adopted and I wanted to see you in pain". say mugma. "Can I just lick it once?" said the cuphead. "ok" said Mugman. Cuphead licked Mugmans peepee than Mugman slapped Cuphead and said "your a dirty slut", than wiped Cuphead with an extension cord. Cuphead cried and Mugman licked the tears and spat into Cuphead's cup. "NOW GET DRESSED YOU WHORE!!!!?!?!!" Mugman yelled. Cuphead began to put his pants on but Mugman yelled "NOT IN THAT YOU BITCH". Cuphead, still crying ran up stairs. He came back down wearing a bikini with his big bulge showing. Mugman nodded as he got an erection. "NOW GET OUT YOU SLUT" Mugman commanded as Cuphead proceeded to run out of the house crying.




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