Fucking Shrex

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Shrek was calmly eating one of his meany onions, as he looked at the juice pouring down the steamy vegetable, he started to feel a bump in his pants. It was Shrek's magnum dong , his only will to live. He violently pulled down his pants and underwear and FUCKED the onion's asshole. He fucked it all day and night, he fucked it until it rotted, but even then, he kept on fucking it. Shrek was in a trance, and... onion fucking trance. He trusted so hard his peenie smashed out of the other side of the onion. Shrek pulled out and drooped the onion on the floor. He was done. Shrek grabed his handgun from the nightstand and aimed it to his head. He pulled the trigger and...   thair was no bullets in it. He remembered that he had used up all of the bullets from when he fraught to the death with Fiona. Shrek grabbed a rope and tied it to his ceiling fan and put his neck through. He kicked back the stool and the rope snapped due to the weight of Shrek's enormous cock. Shrek choped off his dick with a butcher's knife and tried again to hang himself. And it worked. He hung himself. The end

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