Interview - We all fall down sometimes - Xela1234

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Book Title: We all fall down sometimes

Author: Xela1234

Book status: In progress.

Q1) Your story is a Teen fiction and Romance story, so what inspired you to write this story and how did you come up with the ideas?

Part of the idea was inspired while I was watching TV and saw a commercial about so-called buddy dogs for people suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. I decided to do a little research and found that so many things could cause permanent emotional trauma. It simply interested me and became a plot element. Another part was inspired by how judgmental our society is, and how cruel people can be towards others. Yet another element was inspired by the entire legislation of same-sex marriage issue the United States are having at the moment, and the arguments people use to defend their views. More specifically the ones revolving around freedom of speech and freedom of religion.

Q2) What do you plan to do with the story when you finish it? Publishing or something else?

Probably publish it, but I'd need years of editing and thorough revision before I'll even be able to think about that. x'D

 Q3) What is the romance like in your story? Passionate and lustful? or Romantic and tender?

Subtle. It's tender, it's mentioned, but it's not a major plot element. Yet I felt the need to add "Romance" as a genre because it will be there, and the reader will notice how the main character, Abigail, really does care deeply about people in a romantic way.

 Q4) What inspired you for this story?

Most of the things I've listed at question one, really. xD One person who's been motivating me is my best friend in real life, and who's suggested certain elements I could use.

Q5) Is there anything you would change if you were to write it again?

Still in the process of writing it, hahah. I can't quite answer this question, really. :P

 Q6) What is your favourite thing about this particular story?

I honestly like how my characters have developed so far. How I imagine them. I just hope I do a hell of a job at putting it to paper. :P

Q7) What got you in to writing?

I was inspired by a user on when I was twelve years old. I found her Pokémon fan fiction so amazing that I wanted to try it myself, made a character of my own...aaand ended up almost completely copying her. She was upset, needless to say, asked me kindly to take it down, which I did, and I then created my own story. I was upset she'd hate me forever, but we became friends soon enough. From fan fiction I soon moved to original fiction. I have story ideas for both. :P Still have a bit of a fear of being inspired by someone or something and that people think I'll have copied it or something--I've learned my lesson. :P

Q8) Why is the title, 'We all fall down sometimes'? Where did this idea come from? Its very unique (:

Thanks so much! :D The title was inspired by a piece of dialogue between Abigail and her best friend, Jordan, which again was formed...somehow. I tend to have brighter moments which then end up in things I write or draw. :P It takes time before I write something I find worth posting. xD

 Q9) What is your dream? (can be dream job or just something you want to accomplish before you die)

Uuuum. Oh gosh I have no idea. ;u; I don't think it really matters what I end up doing career-wise and stuff. I want to learn more about this world, and I want to be happy with what I do.

 Q10) What is your favorite story you have read on wattpad?

I'm really liking The Boomerang Effect by @aesthetics_ a lot so far. :) I haven't read a lot of stories on Wattpad, though. ;u;

That ends our interview! Thank you for answering all my questions!

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