Review - Seducer Fey - CullynRoyson

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Book Name: Seducer Fey

Author: CullynRoyson

Status: Completed & Published

Genre: Romance/ Science Fiction 

Blurb: #5 Amazon Bestselling Novel & Finalist in the Nancy Pearl Award. When the fairies of Celtic mythology are combined with genetic engineering, youth and charisma can be sold.

The mid-twenty-first century has brought about advancements for social justice and genetic engineering. Fluid gender identity and sexuality are widely accepted in society. The scientific quest for immortality is more popular than ever. Physical appeal, however, isn’t just about youthfulness. Any researcher who discovers the secret to charisma will make millions. During a prospective college visit to Dalhousie University, Danny and her crush, Cassidy, are invited to the home of an eerily captivating student named, Taban. There Danny learns that her DNA could be used to create a form of genetic therapy to give people longer lives for a hefty price. Danny’s life is at risk because her rights to her DNA would get in the way of this plan. Cassidy vows to protect her friend. Unfortunately for the two young women, Taban has other motives.


General Over view:

Now I have seen this book on amazon, like every time I go on there- however I have a bad habit of ignoring books if I feel the cover is not grabbing- YES I know... Don't judge a book by its cover... blah blah... we all do it though, be honest. We do!

Anyways, I found the first chapter very detailed and also very humorous! I think one of my favourite lines were, 'Let see, I have to book a round the world flight, get to the airport, and figure out how to get close to her in under thirty-six hours?' He shrugged. "Sure. I wanted to skip class today anyway." I think the character and his general laid-back attitude just got me, its almost as if he knows he wouldn't be able to make it in that time, but just happy he gets to miss class. Love it.

I actually love the futuristic devices that are in this story, sure I don't tend to read sci-fi but, my word, this is awesome. I wish I had some of the devices that were in this story! I mean a visor that you can just record from without people noticing... well actually now it sounds a little weird and creepy xD But I assure you, in the story it is not!  

The details in this story are also very gripping, I mean its not over detailed but detailed enough so you can picture everything going on and happening exactly in your head. The author is definitely talented and I swear I shall never over look a book again... sure OK that may be a lie...  but I will try my best! 

I like how it is written in third person, however we still almost change P.O.V's. However I am highly disappointed that its futuristic yet they still haven't figured out a way to make humans fly! ;) Kidding Kidding! 

Reading the next few chapters it is nice to see some I guess you could call them 'side characters'? and It is generally very interesting, however I do not want to give to much away. I have no issues with the way the story is written and it is nice to see a well detailed and successful third person story. I also feel that the story is actually rather realistic and I could see something like this actually happening. 


I did not see any grammar mistakes and find it was very well written. The detail was incredible and really immersed me in to the futuristic world. 

My Opinion:

Although not my personal favourite genre I feel that I will continue to read it and may do a follow up review in the future (haha). I liked the characters and the slight humour in the first chapter, well, I found that one line above rather  humorous any way xD 

If you like the sci-fi genre and want a hint of romance then definitely visit this story. Also if you haven't given the sci-fi genre a chance, read this story. I feel it really began to open up that genre for me and I will continue to read it in the future!

Also! If you start reading this story and enjoy it, then support the author and purchase the book!

My score: 9

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