Review - A Boxer's Love - Meghanelizabethxo

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Book Name: A Boxer's Love

Author: Meghanelizabethxo

Status: In progress


Blurb: "Left, Right, Left, Right, 1, 1, 2." I chanted in my head the last two combo's, hitting my opponent with all the strength I needed to win. Losing isn't an option. Show no mercy.

"Knock out! Briella 'No Mercy' wins again! 26-0 still undefeated!" The announcers voice barely audible over the sound of the roaring of the crowd. The referee held up my arm in the middle of the ring making the crowd get impossibly louder. I couldn't keep the grin off my face. This is what I live for. I was born a boxer.


General Over view: 

Our boxer is a girl! Thats kinda awesome, I have never read a story with a girl boxer before :O The first chapter throws us straight it to the action! However, it dies down and we are taken in to our main characters life. She's sixteen, btw. I feel that the story is some what realstic to start off with, however she drives a car... In england we aren't allowed to drive until we are 17... Is that different for other countries? Haha... Yes my knowledge on cars sucks... only 'cause I don't want to drive >.<

The story is written in first person and if I'm being blatenly honest, I feel it needs some more detail. I also find we are almost having a running commentary from the main character- I don't really know how to say it. The story is not bad though and has good potentail, I just feel it is lacking in some form of detail.

I agree with the statement made by out character in the second chapter. 'Why are people so happy? Its not even 9am.' I must say, I am not a morning person either! Yay I can relate. 

Part of my feels having a teen main character is slightly to predicatble... if you know what I mean- like its been done loads. However, I also feel its a very good idea and start! Its not unrealistic as a girl who went to my school (although I have finished now) started boxing and left school at 16 to become a boxer and y'know, apparently she wasn't half bad... However I personally did not get on with this girl xD

I don't like parties either- yay relatable story :D

Eh I'm not a fan of the 'being forced to party' but I know its something that always happens between friends and would probably be weird if she was not forced to go. I also do not really like the way they almost girlify her- I don't know I just don't see her being the girly girl. Oh wells haha, lets see how the story progress'.

After reading the third chapter, I feel that this story is not for me. I am not saying it is bad or anything, because it has alot of potential, I am just not a boxer person. I may read more in the future, however.


The grammar could use some work. A little more detail is needed. However, the story is unedited so once edited it could be alot better.

My Opinion:

A story with alot of potential, thought out and realistic. Just not for me.

My score: 6

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