Review - Howlin For You - Krissyluvsyou

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Title: Howlin For you

Author: Krissyluvsyou

Status: In Progress

Genre: Werewolf

Blurb: Twenty-one year old Katie, a regular human girl, is about to face some life-changing challenges after attending a charity ball with her friend, Marq. With no one else to support her, Katie tries her best to manage her life while discovering a new one of werewolves. She's stuck between an overprotective alpha and her mysterious mate. Will she stay with her caring white knight or trail along into deep depths with a dark knight?


General Over view: 

I have to get this out, just because it is slightly annoying me... but, it should be Howlin' with an apostrophy...but other than that the title is good :3

Now, to the story... An intresting start, I have seen the resturant waitress type opening before but I must say, this one was a whole lot better! Instead of her meeting this sexy alpha who suddenly falls instantly in love with her, she makes a mistake- like a normal human would- and he comes to her rescue... BUT, they aren't mates! YAY!

He asks her to go on holiday with him, I think its a holiday anyways but still. One thing doesn't make sense in the start of the second chapter... (this is purely for the author to respond to- don't base the story on this please, from what I have read it is a very well written peice) 

So she is taken to the salon to get ready and after she looks in the mirror and goes, 'If it takes this long, why do girls do it all the time?' Or something along those lines, like saying it is not worth her time getting ready to look like this- if you get what I am saying and then she starts saying how great she looks and how her confidence is up. Like, I understand her confidence and that- but if she is really feeling confident but would not take time out of her day to look like that, because she feels its a waste of time, then it needs to be made slightly clearer. I may just be being picky, but, that is one thing that just did not add up (:

Well the second half of chapter two is very interesting! I could imagine everything and I feel sorry for her, a human with a werewolf mate :') DUN DUN DUNNNN 

I wonder what will happen :3

Chapter 3 was just like a cliff hanger... TELL ME WHAT HAPPENS...

lol, well you definitely need to read this story if you like werewolves! Its very... mysterious!


 The grammar was good, the story was very well written- just a few typos here and there. Other than that there is not much I can say!

My Opinion:

 A very good and catching, mysterious story about werewolves and a human! Although, I did not realize she was a human... I also did not know she did not know about werewolves so that was a little confusing- but nevertheless it is a very well written story! I shall continue reading in my own time :3

My score: 8.5

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