Chapter 15- Goner

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Chapter 15~ Goner

The truck was coming fast. Hyper speed I think. The truck was honking its horn crazily. I heard Zayn saying "miss, be careful!" I also heard Aleesha screaming, "BIANCA!" All I could hear noises and voices. I was a confused butterfly. I wanted to go right but there were more cars and if I go  left I have to face Zayn----- which I didn't want to.  So I just closed my eyes and hoped to be with my mother soon enough. Where am I?I thought to myself as I woke up I see a door. I was walking to the door when I see a bright light shine making my eyes weak. I kept trying to fight the light to get to the door. I felt the door I wanted to open it but I couldn't. I kept twisting the knob trying to get out of this torture.I started to hyperventilate. Ok, nothing to panic, Bianca. Someone will find you. I told myself. I peered through the small window where the light shown. I tippy toed up to see through the window. I could see nurses, doctors, heartbeat machines etc. I was at a hospital but why? Who saved me? Zayn? Naw, that can't be possible. 

I had to find out. I twirled to see what was behind me. There was a bed and a crow bar and some other stuff was there. That's it! The crow bar. I grabbed the crow bar and slammed the window so that I could  reach for the knob. I broke the window making sure nobody was there to witness me vandalizing anything.  I struggled to get the door knob to open. Finally, it clicked. I was free but had cuts on my arm from the shards of glass. I brushed the pain off. I ran out of the room. I searched for the reception area then I found it.

"Yes, how may I help you?" the woman on the other side asked. She had bags under her eyes from working long hours behind the desk. I feel sorry for her. 

"Do you know where Zayn Malik is by any chance?" I hastily asked her. 

"Zayn who?" 


"Ohhh! Zayn Jawaad Malik. Third floor. 314." She replied as she started to file her nails and pulled her feet up on to the desk. 

"Thanks!" I said. I sprinted to the elevator and pressed third. As soon as I arrived there, I saw Harry, Aleesha and Niall sitting in the waiting room. Aleesha's head cocked onto Harry's shoulder.

"Aleesha?!" I bellowed from the elevator. She got up from Harry's shoulder and looked to everywhere to see where the voice came from. Then she saw me in my direction. 

"Bianca? Where have you been?" She asked gladly and ran up to me. Niall and Harry were pleased to see me, too. 

"What do you mean where have I been? I've been trapped on the second floor in this room so----" I go interrupted. 

"B, how did this happen?" She stared at the dry blood on my right arm which still speud out from my arm. 

"Nothing, I had to use this crow bar to get out of the room. No biggie." I reassured her.

"It's a big problem, Hun," she worriedly said, " you are bleeding heavily!"

" It's ok. What's little blood coming out of me gonna do any harm." 

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