So We Meet Again?

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Chapter 30~ So We Meet Again

_____________________________________________________________________________   I woke up refreshed and ready to start a new day, a new beginning also a new life. I turned to my left and the first thing that caught my eye was the worn, torn, and taped photo of Zayn and I kissing as children. Yep, this was fate. Actually we were faith. I got up and tiredly dragged myself to the bathroom. I took a quick shower, then wore something comfortable and nice. I dried my hair and text Niall to come and pick me up soon. Why? Because today is the day, I go back to my childhood life. Naw! Just messing around, I'm going to University of Bradford head campus to pick up my timetable and find out where's my dorm and how's the school like. It's more like an orientation, to me. I packed up all my belongings, especially the photo. I took a good look at it once more, smiled and shoved into my bag. My phone rang. It was Niall.    "Hey, I'm ready. You guys could come up now," I told him before he could say anything.    "Sure, We'll be right up," he replied and hung up. I awaited for them patiently. I'm coming home, I whispered to the ceiling thinking that my mom was probably listening, I'm coming home.    There was a  brief knock at my door. I opened it. It was Harry, Niall, and Liam alongside with Jenny, Hazza's girlfriend.    "Where's Louis?" I asked concerned.    They grinned.    "He's coming," Jenny said, "that's not all who's coming."   Ok, What was going on. Out of nowhere, Louis popped up from the corner of the door. I shrieked! They all started to laugh. For some reason, I started to laugh a little, thinking it was kind of funny.    "Hey Bianca, there's someone here for you, too," he said. From behind him, Eleanor came in front with the twins!!!! My jaw dropped from amazement.    "OMG! ELEANOR! HOW ARE YOU?" I asked still in shock and shaking. Eleanor is still the great, adorable person she is but it seems to me that she has gained a few pounds or so. Nonetheless, she still looks fabulous! The twins look really cute! They both had chubby cheeks and wore the same striped dress but in different colors. One looked like a despicable image of Eleanor and the other was a female version of Louis. I'm assuming they are informal twins.    " I'm great, how are you?" she asked in her sweet voice.    "I'm good, what are these two adorable things names," I questioned while I was playing with their hands. I think one of them smiled at me.    " The one on the left is Nicole and the one on the right is Susan," Eleanor replied. They cooed and I awed. They were just so lovely.  Liam , Harry, and Niall dropped one baggage each.    "We should get a move on," Liam said.    We left my hotel and were in the main foyer. There were paparazzi all over us. They wanted to get a glimpse of the twins, but as motherly as Eleanor was she held her babies close to her chest and away from the nosy photographers. Louis pushed away the crazy clickers and escorted Eleanor with the twins hastily. I followed behind Eleanor, and Jenny followed me. The boys jumped in quickly, as we sped up in the daylight. We had to make a quick stop to Lou and Eleanor's hotel since the twins got restless and it was their nappy time.    We waved goodbye to Eleanor and she ran off inside. Finally, we were on the highway to Bradford. All of us chatted together, sang songs, and had a good time. I rested my head on my seat as I stared out my window. The scenery outside was breath taking even though everything was a blur. Everything went by so fast. The country side, the welcoming signs of other cities. I closed my eyes, took a breath, and drove into fantasy land. There was me and Zayn. Nobody else. Watching clouds drift by the blue sky. We were on a grassy hill, the winding blowing threw our ears, just part of the life rollarcoaster. I snuggled beside him, his hand on the lower part of my shoulder. I wish everyday was a day like this, no better. Suddenly, someone was tapping me. I opened my eyes to see who it was. It was Jenny. The car had stopped moving.    "We're here, Bianca," Jenny whispered. I yawned as I stretched.     "Ok, I'm coming," I told her. She got out of the van. The others were outside waiting for me. I hoped out.    "Did you have a nice nap," Harry asked. I laughed a little.   "Yes, I did," I replied sheepishly. I rubbed my eyeballs to clear my vision, but it didn't help. My eyes were too tired looking. I splashed water on them. There! That's better, I though to myself.  I awed what was before me. University of Bradford. Bigger then ever. I'm so glad that I'm home. I love Bradford, no other city can ever compare to it-------- not even Toronto.    "WOW!" I said breathless.    "I know," Louis remarked.    "Shall we go inside," Liam offered. I nodded. The campus was very high tech by appearance. You could just tell-------- unlike UofT where the buildings where old and in need of care. University of Bradford was quite different. It suited me more because I really don't know why. I just liked it anyways. There were a lot of people on campus grounds. Mostly, brown people or let's just say south Asian people like me.    "We should head inside where the orientation is happening," Jenny said, "plus you can get your timetable." I nodded. Harry gave Jenny a swift but romantic kiss on the lips. Just watching them brings back old memories that will never be erased from the hardware in my brain. I shook my head slightly.    I went inside with the guys. I was a little nervous, so I held onto Niall's arm. I glance above him. He seemed cool with me holding on him. You see even though I'm already 22 years, my maturity level is pretty much like a kid. We went to the main hall and sat somewhere in the middle. People where mumbling and whispering all around me since 4 out of the 5 guys of One Direction are here in their every own campus. They were all excited but did it an appropriate manner compared to when I was a teenager back in the day. I sat there up straight. There were teachers on the stage and a podium where I believe it was the head master of this University. I was so excited! The head master cleared his throat and leaned forward to the microphone.    "Welcome to University of Bradford," he said with a thick British accent, "my name is head master  Ferguson."  We applauded.    " Today, we are lucky to have you all in our city and school as of this year," he told us.    Mr. Ferguson went on and on about all the code conducts, faculties, and introduced all the teachers in the science department faculty. I sat there slouched on my seat. I think half of the people in the auditorium was half asleep.    "Now, there'll be guides who will take you around to see our campus. You are able to pick up the timetables here in the front," Mr. Ferguson ended, " we hope to see you all in the beginning of the semester!"    Everybody had a sight of relief. We thought that he will go on forever. Everybody in the auditorium rushed up on stage to get their timetables. It was a mess! No one was in a single file. People were trampling on top of each other, swearing, pulling, pushing etc.  I got even more frightened and held onto Niall. He bent down to me.    "Don't panic, this will eventually clear up," Niall reassured me. I nodded and gulped. He was right after 5 minutes of rumble, there was two pages left on the table. Mines, and you never guess whose timetable was left. Wahliya Malik's timetable! My jaw dropped when I took a glimpse. I stared at it for a minute.    "Um, excuse me," someone said behind me. I turned around. To my shock, it was Wahliya Malik!!!! I became mute. SHE WAS A FEMALE VERSION OF ZAYN! My heart jumped when I saw her.    "Y-yes?" I stuttered.    "Can you get my timetable for me, please. It's right beside yours," she asked. I handed it to her. I think she didn't see the lads and Jenny. Good, because then there 'll be a heck a lot of questions being asked. After she left, Harry cam up to me.    "Shall we go on the tour, cause you know, you don't know the ins and outs of this university," he suggested.    "We shall!"    The six of us followed a group of people on the tour. This campus was amazing! It had everything I needed. I felt like this truly was home for me. I was meant to be here, now I am. It's been ages since I've been back to Bradford. After the tour was over, visitors were suppose to leave. I waved goodbye and hugged the lads before they left.    "Now, the rest of you staying on campus stand beside me, and the others who are domestic students go with my assistant  for further instructions," he ordered. We did what we were told.    " All of you will have dorms, and will for surely have dorm mates. Once you here your names, and dorm room, you may proceed inside the room. All the rule and regulations for on campus students are in this brochure I will be handing out to all of you," he explained. I looked around me. There were like 50+ students who will be living on campus.    "This will be in alphabetically order," he finally said.  Everybody gave a sigh of grief. He had a surprised look on his face but proceeding in calling the names out. In pairs, each were called as they picked their stuff with them into their rooms. Each pair where either male with male or female with female. I patiently waited for my name to be called. As I was about to leave the world of reality, that's when he becken for my name.    "Ms. Bianca Khan and Ms. Wahliya Malik, room 54-E," he announced. My ears perked at her name. Wahliya???? Why??? She lives in the city! Maybe you get a choice. She carried her stuff and walked down the hall with me to our dorm. It was silent, no conversation to stir up with her. She had a serious expression upon her face. All you could hear  were footsteps and wheels from the baggage. I opened the door our dorm room. It was a nice, simple, wide spacious dorm room. I was my kinda style. It had two big beds, two study desk on each side, a fridge in one corner, a bathroom, and lastly cabinets to put our clothing in them.     "Which side do you want," she perched up.    "It doesn't really matter."    "Ok, then I'll take the one near the window," she claimed and placed her bags on top of it and unzipped it. I smiled but faded away quickly.    I unzipped my bags. The first think that I saw on top of my clothes was the old photograph of me and Zayn when were children.  I wiped it with my sleeve, and placed it on my side desk where the lamp was. I saw Wahliya minding her own business in the corner of my eye, until she froze.    " Where did you get that photo from?" She asked alarmed. I turned towards her.    "I had it," I told her with a sly smile, " why?"   "Oh nothing, it's just I haven't seen---------- wait, are you Bianca?!"    There was a silent moment. I didn't responded. I kept unpacking, trying not to make eye contact with her. Sh came in front of me.    "You are the Bianca, who loved and still loved my brother," she asked making sure.    I slightly nodded.  She gasped and unitentionally hugged me. I patted her back.    " I missed you," she remarked.    "Same here,"  I told her. I think this was a new start to a fantastic friendhip.         A couple of months went by, thirty heck of tests and exams, and one season later an unexpected event happening lummed by. The second eid was about to apporach. Something happened two days before the religious holiday.    "Hey Bianca do you want to come over to my house for eid?" Wahliya asked as she was on the phone with her mother one evening. I was studying ofr next week's quiz. I stared up. I bite my bottom lip.    "Um... sure why not!" I replied. Why did I say that? I thought to myself. Well, it was gonna be fun probably. Now, let's hope for the better and not for the worst.    Two days after the little conversation and the stupid mistake which I made, it was eid. I called dad.   "Happy Eid!" I greeted on the phone.    He chukled in the phone.    "Happy Eid to you, too baby!"    "Thanks, so how's everything?" I asked.    "Good, but Zain misses you," he says.    I froze. I stared at my engagement ring.    "Oh really, tell him that I miss him, too," I hesitated.    "So how's everything going there?" he asks.    "Good, dad I gotta go," I lied.    "Ok, sure bye darling." CLICK!    I breathed heavily. I forgot about Zain and the stupid ring. Then I stared at the clock above the door. Oh shit! I'm late for class. I shoved the necessary books into my bags and ran from the other side of the building to the next. Yes! I wasn't late, two minutes to spare. I sat down on a chair next to a girl. I inhaled and exhaled. Boy! I need to work out nowadays, I thought. The day went by very fast. It was late afternoon, Wahliya had left early to help her mom with today's get together. I had to go. Wahliya wants me there. I told her I'll be there. I took a shower, wore desi clothing that I bought from an Indian store, did my hair and make up (little bit). I stared myself in the mirror, admiring my complexion. The one thing that bother me was the engagement ring. Should I wear it or not? It's better if they all knew the truth. So I left it as it was and headed out the door, locking it behind me.    I whistled for a cabby, gave the driver the address which Wahliya had given me and I was off. Thoughts ran into my brain all at once. Bad thoughts, good thoughts, and neutral ones, too. In no time, I was at their house. I paid the fare to the cab driver and stood at the front gate, nervous to move one step.I managed to open the gate and ring the doorbell. My heart raced faster, praying that Zayn wouldn't answer the door. Doniya, Zayn's older sister opened it. I sighed in relief.    "Happy Eid!" She said smiling.   "You too!"   She escorted me inside. The house was nice and petite. A house perfect for them. I took off my shoes and coat and handed into her.   "Do you know where Wahliya is?" I asked her.   "Yup, she's in the living room," Doniya said pointing. I made myself way to the living room. She seemed to be preoccupied with her cousins. She saw me and waved, then she gestured that she was coming. I stood there.   "Happy Eid! OMG! You look beautiful!" she complimented.   "Happy Eid! You too!"   We hugged.   "Come, let me introduce you to the family," she insisted as she grabbed my arm. I greeted with Mr. Malik, and Mrs. Malik. They were good people. I think they knew that I was Bianca, their  neighbour and ex- family friend. I met with------ let's just call her Mona, Zayn's grandmother from father's side. I met Safa. WOW! She has grown a lot. What a beautiful young lady she has turned out to be, and lastly Ayesha. My goddaughter. There something unusual about her. She had a short stubby neck,  and almond shaped eyes.    "Whose this?" I asked acting like I didn't know. Wahliya came close to me.    "That's Zayn's daughter, Ayesha. She has down syndrome," she whispered.    AW! That's so sad. What a tradegy! She looked so happy. Ayesha smiled at me and I smiled back. I wanted to hold her but something pulled me back.    " Bianca?" a familar voice spoke. I turned my head. I jumped a little.    "Zayn?!"    He looked different. He was still the same Zayn but I think he lost weight.    "How have you been?" he asked.    "Great! You?"   "I'm alright," he said. There was a long pause.    "Can I hold Ayesha, please?" I asked.    "By all means, go ahead," he replied smiling. I went up to Ayesha. Zayn followed me. I picked her up. She smiled at me.    "She likes you," Zayn remarked. I softly laughed.    "Yup, she has down syndrome huh?" I asked.    "Yeah, but she's still beautiful."   "Yeah."   Another long silence.    "How's Perrie?" I asked curious while playing with Ayesha.  He focused on the ground.    "She left me. She found out about Ayesha's disorder and left me for someone else," he shook. My eyes grew wider.  I knew she was trouble when I saw her.    "AW! I'm sorry!" I reached over to hug him. He hugged me back. It was the nicest feeling I've ever gotten after all these years.    Suddenly, We heard a mumble bellowing from downstairs saying: " dinner's ready!"    We unclasped ourselves. I gave Ayesha to Zayn and headed downstairs. It was a big feast and everybody was around it, too. There was a seat between 15 year old Safa and Wahliya. I never knew Doniya got married and had two sons until I saw the family sitting together. I was across from Mr. and Mrs. Malik. Zayn and baby Ayesha sat in between Mona. Mona was such a talker. I noticed that Ayesha didn't have Zayn's eyes but did have Zayn's hair color and was really pale.    We ate, chatted, and laughed. It was night to remember. I didn't talk much, actually I didn't make a peep at all.    "Bianca, how's your mom and dad?" Mrs. Malik asked me.    "Dad's fine but mom...... she died," I told her.    "Oh I'm so sorry," Mr. Malik responded, "i missed having your dad as my business partner until our friendly realtionship got bad."    "Oh, yeah. He did tell me something similar to as why we aren't friends no more."I said as I munched on some chicken.    "So Bianca beta, are you married?" Mona asked. I gulped. I hoped that she just didn;'t go there.    I kept munching my food. I tapped the table with my left fingers. Safa jumped up. Oh no!   "MONA, SHE'S ENGAGED!" she shouted. I turned red. Thanks Safa! It was all quiet. I could see Zayn's reaction through the corner of my eye. He had his head down.    "May I be excused?" I asked trying not to get teary.    "Y-yes," Mrs. Malik said. I abruptly got up and ran upstairs to the terence where there was a chair lying there. I sat there dazing off into the distant. I wished this never happened to me. Tears ran over my cheeks. Why are these things happening to me. The sky has never been so beautiful before, I thought.    "So we meet again?" Zayn said from behind. I turned around. He smirked.    "Zayn, I can explain I was forced to," I pleaded.    "I understand, and you did the right thing. You wanted to tell a lie but you kept quiet," he remarked.    "How do you know?" I asked curious.    "I know a lot about you then you think."    I tried to smile.    "You know what makes you beautiful?" he asked.    "What?"    "All the little things that create you!"    He walked forward in front of me to also stare at the distant perhaps.    "Bianca?"   "Yeah," I asked sniffling.   "When will we meet again?" he asked. I walked towards him and grabbed him from the waist as I hugged him pressed to my body.    "I don't know but soon!" I replied crying. He slightly turned my head and kissed it.    "Soon," I repeated, "soon!"   THE END! ________________________________________________________________________   Hey guys! That's it done! I know right! Thanks to all who supported and believed in this book. But don't be sad, there's a sequel coming out called ROLLARCOASTER! SO stay tune for that! Please don't forget to vote, and comment!   Love y'all!  

Twitter: Rawr_its_Mona  



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