How I Met My Zayn- Personally

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Chapter 3~ How I Met My Zayn- Personally

I started to do pirouettes, high jumps all over the house THE Zayn Jawaad Malik was here at my house, gave me his number, and for a bonus gave me a kiss on the cheek! I owe it all to my friend Aleesha. I decided that I wasn't mad at her anymore for her tweeting the secret to Zayn. I had to thank her in someway. Suddenly, the doorbell ran abruptly Speaking of the devil. I opened the door and saw Aleesha grinning with her arms crossed leaning on the side of the door. I smiled and chuckled. 

"Thank you Aleesha," I started off as I lunged her for a hug.

"Your Welcome, besides you are my best friend in the whole wide world," she replied back as she patted my back.

I pulled back from her.

"You ready to go?" She asked. 

"Yea, but give me a minute to get my jacket and house keys." I said as I turned to the closet for my rain coat and house keys. I locked the door and followed behind Aleesha. There were butterflies in my stomach just fluttering willy nelly!  We skipped along the sidewalk. Aleesha started to high jumps like Niall but they weren't as high as Niall's. I clacked my feet together like a leprechaun.  We both laughed. I sighed. 

"Aleesha, why are you such a nice friend?" I asked curiously.

"To be honest I don't know why," she replied, "I find you very interesting, that's why."


We waited at the bus stand and were admiring our "Peoples" magazine special edition of One Direction. We squealed at almost every picture. I freaked out whenever I saw Zayn in any of the pages while Aleesha screamed whenever she saw Harry. She loved Harry styles to death! Pastbyers stared at us as if we were wacko teenagers, but we didn't care what others thought about us. We were directioners. Always have and will be a directioner through the rough and weak. There, I said it! I'm proud to be a true and proud directioner! The bus came around. 

It took us an hour and a half to get from my house to downtown Toronto. As we got off of Union station, we were stunned at the overwhelmed crowd of teenage girls. They were all going to the One direction CD signing. I looked at Aleesha and vice versa. Our eyes widen. WOW! I thought to myself. I wondered how people can be so crazy for five regular young men with gorgeous looks and  voices that'll give you chills down your back and goose bumps on your arms and legs. Well that is the circle of fan life; a band is born, they get noticed , people are crazy for them, then the band itself dies after sometimes. But I believe that One direction won't die. They are immortal, well the band is. One direction will never ever die that's for sure! 

Aleesha and I stiffly walked down Union station past a few buildings and past the C.N Tower where we tried to walk up the steep path as it leads to the front of the Rogers centre. Girls from ages 12 and up were lined up to get an autograph from One Direction. Lame! I gotta a special gift from Zayn Malik. A kiss on the cheek. It's way better than lining up for two hours or more for a signing. Then why was I here. Oh, right because I wanted to see Zayn again plus Aleesha really wanted to see the boys. Also, I owe her one for the unexpected favour she did for me. 

We lined up in line. After 45 minutes, we were able to see Zayn and the boys. Zayn saw me. He smirked at me, then snagged a wink towards me. All the other girls started going wild! Some were crying, mouthing 'OH my gosh', and some girl fainted on the spot! Anyways when it came to our turn, Zayn didn't say a thing. 

"Bianca, what's wrong?" Aleesha whispered.

I shrugged. Suddenly, someone tapped me on my elbow. It was Zayn! His eyes gleamed in the sun as if they weren't hazel but more like amber!  My heart melted. He gesutred to me to look down at my feet.

I stared down and saw two bracelets appeared magially upon my purple sneakers. I assumed that he kicked it to me. I gently picked it up and awed it. It was a little wet but still in good condition. It wrote: "1D Backstage passes"  I covered my mouth preventing myself from screaming.

"HEY, YOU ARE HOLDING US UP!!!"  a fan yelled from the line. The public started to bicker and argue about the hold up. I yanked Aleesha's arm and pulled her to the side.

"What the fuck was that for?" Aleesha asked annoyed.

"Shut up and look!" I  said as I pulled the bracelets up close in her face. She snatched them out of hands. She froze in one place and then started to jump crazily up and down. 

"OMG!!!!! WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THESE???" she questioned ecstatically as she panted from her excitement. 

"Let's go then," I offered, "you deserve it!"

"YES, oh yes please." She replied.

We sneaked past the energetic mad fans and found ourselves halted by security guards.

"Where are you young ladies going?" The tall security guard asked.

I showed him the two bracelets as I grinned at both of them.

"Ok, you can go through. Enjoy while you can." 

What? I thought to myself. Seriously, people in Toronto lately. This direction infection is spreading everywhere I go.  I glanced back outside. People were probably leaving. Which means its their chilling time. Time to meet them in person for the second time--- well for Aleesha it was the first.

"I'm soooo excited!" Aleesha whispered hastely.

I mouthed out 'I know.'

We got in and we saw them sitting behind the table laughing and talking. When they heard the door close they all turned there head towards us. Zayn was the last to look.After he fixed his eyes on me, he stood up and walked over where I  was standing

."Hello. Glad you could make it." Zayn said huskily  hugging me and kissed my cheek lightly. As soon as his lips left my cheek I felt the blood rushed to my cheeks. I could feel the heat in my cheeks rising.

"Aren't you going to introduce us to these fine young ladies" Harry said grabbing Aleesha's hand and kissing her knuckles.  She giggled.

"Well this is Bianca and this is her best friend Aleesha," Zayn introduced us to the boys.

"Hello," Aleesha and I said together waving hello to the rest of the boys.

"Ello Loves," Louis said waving.

"Hi," Niall greeted.

"Hello," Liam said.

"Well Bianca would you like to join us for the singing. I mean just sit by us and chat and we could reconnect." Zayn asked me.

"Sure," I said walking to the table. 

They added a chair next to Zayn so i could sit. I sat down next to him. Aleesha sat down next to Harry.A couple minutes later the fans started to gather in and the boys started to sign many things.

"Omg! Zayn is she your girlfriend? Can i get a picture you  guys please?" the girl asked. I blushed a bright red.

"Sure Babes," Zayn replied. 

I got up. Zayn placed his arm around my waist and the girl next to me put her arm around my shoulders. She gave me a paper and winked.Hmmm! What was the paper? I just stuffed it into my pocket. i'll check out it later.More came by and asked for photos.Finally it was over. 

"Thanks so much for spending time with me" i said hugging Zayn.

"Anytime! Wait are you leaving?" he asked me.

"Only if you want" I replied and gave him a sexy smirk then I remember the paper. I quickly took it out and read it: "Stay away from my man Zayn! Don't ever touch him, kiss him, or hug him again. He's MINE! Not yours! You do what i said i will KILL you and make your life so much miserable. STAY AWAY FROM MY BABE ZAYN YOU BITCH! Your just a slutty whore." 

I glared at the note for a solitary moment. Tears ran down my face. I could feel my eyes swell up. that I just dropped the paper and ran to the back crying. I locked the door. I really didn't know where I was! I think I'm in the boys dressing room.  I continued crying until i heard a knock! 

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