chapter twenty-two: new

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T W E N T Y - T W O : NEW

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T W E N T Y - T W O : NEW

THE CHAMPAGNE was singing a siren song to her, luring her in for just… one… more…

“Mae,” Icelyn stepped in front of her best friend, unintentionally freeing Mae from the allure of the gold bubbly on the table. The dance wing had been decked out once again, but this time, in the spirit of the new year. Gold streamers and ribbon were strung up along the walls, tables were blanketed in a sparkly gold fabric, and gold party hats sat on the table nearest to the entrance.

This year's New Year party was bedazzled and spirited.

Mae turned to her best friend, jamming her pockets into the pockets of her comforting Hollister sweatshirt. In the spirit of the theme, she had on a gold top hat headband that was currently crushing her skull. She blinked, “Hm?”

Icelyn huffed, placing her hands onto her hips. She was covered in gold glitter from decorating this place earlier, a yellow bandana tied around her head. She wore a sparkly sequin top and white jeans. At least she wasn't dancing tonight. Well, not formally. But while Icelyn took the chance to wear a pair of nude wedges, Mae stuck to a pair of sneakers.

“No champagne, but we can hook you up with some apple cider. You can cheers with that when the ball drops,” she offered. Mae couldn't help her lip quirking upward. So Lyn had been paying attention.

Mae nodded. “Lead the way.”

And that she did. Icelyn poured Mae a generous amount of apple cider into a red Solo cup, dribbling the liquid down the inner wall to avoid a spillage of foam. Mae nodded her thanks and took a sip of the beverage. She had forgotten how timeless apple cider was.

“So where to now?” She asked Icelyn, scanning the room. “Raise Your Glass” by P!nk played in the background of loud chatter and laughter. People were moshing on the dance floor. Others, like herself and her best friend, stuck to the sides with plates of food and cups of drinks in their hands.

Icelyn shrugged. “We can go find Jo? I hear she's playing something tonight again.” The two maneuvered their way though the crowd towards the stage. Behind the thick, heavy red curtains, Joanna was setting herself up on a wooden stool with a black music stand before her. She was patiently tuning her acoustic guitar.

She lifted her head up, a grin spilling onto her face. “Hey guys. How was your Christmases? Oh! I got both of your gifts, too; y'all are too sweet!”

“It was no problem. Thanks for your gift, too,” Mae replied. “So what are you playing tonight?”

“Just a few top hits from this year. It's almost 12 already, so I should get to it,” Joanna mumbled under her breath, slinging the strap of her guitar across her body. “Could one of you guys work the curtains for me, please?”

Icelyn nodded first, hurrying backstage.

When she was gone, Mae began helping Joanna with the stool and stand. “Parker was looking for you earlier,” Joanna hummed.

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