Jeff Vs Laughing Jack

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  There was a town surrounded by woods. It has many alley ways and short cuts to places. The place seemed fine since the town was built. This town was also the home of the most twisted mass murderer that the world has ever seen. This killer is known as Jeff the killer. Sometimes people who lived there see him every now and then. Like the time where he fought the slender man. Or the days where Jeff met his worsted enemy communally known as Jane the killer. But this time, it was different, stay tuned to find out more.
One night in the town who was once a thirteen year old boy. Now is a cold blooded psychopath. Jeff the killer emerged from the shadows. He came into town and walked slowly. Thankfully the rain that was falling on him had washed away the stains so they were barely noticeable. Jeff sat down in the nearest ally way and thought about his past, and all the creatures he thought. Jeff remembered fighting the slender man who is now his boss, he thought about the demon hunter, the rake, pinky pie, and of course Jane the killer. Jane was the one he enjoyed fighting the most. He remembered the feeling become fiercer than ever.
Suddenly he could hear something. He could hear someone playing pop goes the weasel further down the alley way. He got up and walked towards the music he turned the corner to a huge courtyard. He looked around and he saw in the far corner, there was a person standing there playing the song on a music box. Jeff got closer he soon noticed that this man was, a black and white clown of some kind. The clown stopped turning and looked towards Jeff. "Why hello there what's your name" he said in a cheerful voice Jeff was shocked to see that the clown was not scared by his face at all. "How are you not scared of my face?" Jeff asked. "Well you kind of look like a clown, like me" the clown said. Jeff looked at him in an angry way. "I'm no clown!" "No need to be rude!"
Jeff pulled out his knife slowly. "I'd like to know what your name is!" the clown's grin grew wider. "I'm laughing Jack" he said in a cheerful tone. Jeff walked closer to him; the feeling was really starting to kick in. "quit talking! You look pretty tired; I think you just need to GO TO SLEEP!" Jeff stabbed at laughing Jack but the moment the knife touched him he turned to smoke. "You need something more than a kitchen knife to put me to sleep". Said laughing Jack. Jeff felt a hand tap him on the shoulder and he turned around to see laughing Jack about to swing a baseball bat. Jeff ducked and then stabbed Jack in the hip. This time it worked Jack felt pain in his leg. "IMPOSSIBLE! How can you have the ability to touch me?" "Let's just say I'm more than just a human I'm slender type!" then he stabbed Jack where the heart was. Jack laughed do you really think that will kill anyone who you meet. Jack swung his baseball bat at him again and hit him in the legs as Jeff fell to the ground he could here laughter coming from Jacks mouth. Jeff passed out.
When Jeff came to he found himself in an abandon theme park he got up and looked around. He could see a circus tent in the distance. "The jerk clown is most likely to be in there" Jeff said. He walked slowly towards the tent and tripped a few times from the broken wood of the destroyed booths and rides. Jeff walked into the circus tent and saw a horrific site there were dead children all over the floor some had missing limbs and some had missing eyes. They were all torn apart a well. Jeff laughed at the site and walked through to the big top. He walked onto the stage and looked around. There was no site of laughing jack in the tent. He walked behind the curtains into the backstage area. He could then hear the evil laughter again. He could hear it coming from the dressing room. Jeff peered through the crack of the door and saw Jack sitting there. Jeff kicked down the door and rushed in. he saw laughing Jack's reflection in the mirror in front of him frowning at him. "So you're still alive? No matter my friends in the big top will take care of you. Jeff felt a hand grab his hair and pulled him back into the big top. He turned around to see all the children coming to life.
"Interesting..." said Jeff slowly "you have no idea clown how long it's been since I had a real fight, this is going to be fun! Jack was looking down from the trapezes at the top of the big top. "we'll see how long you last you buffoon" he said. Jeff ran at the children he stabbed one in the heart but it didn't go down. Jeff pilled the knife out and Jeff kicked the undead child in the head and its head flew of and hit Jack's trapeze as it snapped in two. Jack fell to the ground and hit his head so hard that it broke his concentration. All the children were walking in all directions. Jeff turned to Jack and kicked him in the gut. Jack started to cough out what was described as pitch black blood. Jack got up and swung his baseball bat. Jeff ducked and stabbed Jack in the leg again. Jack felt no pain and swung at Jeff again. Jeff grabbed the bat and snatched it from him and swung it at him. It hit Jack in the head and he went down with a thud.
Jeff kneeled down over him, covered his mouth and pointed his knife at his neck. Jack looked up at his, grinning. "GO TO SLEEP!" Then Jeff sliced his neck but again laughing Jack turned to black smoke.
"Until the next time Jeff, see you soon I hope" said Jacks voice in the air. Jeff passed out again. When he came to, he found himself in the same place he passed out before. "Was that all just an illusion, no I think I will be seeing him again soon, AND I WILL BE LOOKING FORWARD TO IT!"
"Next time he will GO TO SLEEP!  

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