Final Chapter

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Jeff the Killer Remake (Prologue and Ending only)

My name is Liu. I was 14 years of age when the incident occurred.

It was the last day of middle school, one of those days a kid always dreams of. No more of that old boring school you've been trapped in for three years. No more of the god awful teachers that treat you like you're an infant. It was just pure torture, but thank god I'm out of that hell hole. Even though you have more homework in high school, it's still better. But I'm not gonna talk about that. Let's just get back to the story.

Like I said, I'm 14. I barely have friends, only two. I'm that kid that everybody makes a joke of. Weird, anorexic, ugly, bipolar, emo, nerd, you name it.

I'm making my way home and it was the average day for me. I got off the bus lugging my 25 pound schoolbag up to my front door. As I quickly twisted the handle to go inside, I slam my face into the glass door. Locked... I then made my way to the back yard. I reach for the key that hangs hidden in the shudders next to the door. It's not there.

As I think of places it could possibly be, I turn to make my way back to the front of my house. I hear rustling in the trees behind me, and I've got that strange feeling like I was being stalked or watched. I then glance to the somber woods that wrap my yard to see what's there. I saw a figure; I can't quite make it out. From the waist up is white, below is black, and its ghostly eyes were locked onto me in disgust.

As I creep closer to the figure, a tree root causes me to loose balance. Once again, my face bashes into the ground.

"First the door and now the ground. What's next?" I scold.

A headache starts to kick in. I look up to continue pacing, and the figure's gone. I'm not sure if I was imagining things, or if it's really still there and my pounding headache thinks otherwise.

"If it's gone, thank god. And if not, I'm being watched. But either way, it knows where I live..."

(Later in the night)

I wake up to a pitch black room. At first don't know where I am, but then I saw the outlines of the walls.

"It's only my bedroom; I'm not in any danger." I think to myself.
I then checked my iPod for the time. The bright screen makes me squint. I could still make out the time and its 2:00 a.m. Trying to go back to sleep I started to think.

"I know this was all a dream, but what was that creature? An animal? A person? Was I hallucinating? What could it possibly be!?"

After a while, I tried to forget about the subject and drifted off to sleep.

I checked my iPod once more, its 3:54 a.m. I woke up again, but I was drowsy this time and my eyes were half open. Suddenly I notice that my window's open. I remember I shut it before I went to sleep. So I got up, shut it once more, and slouched back into my bed. Moments later, I hear the sound of feet dragging on carpet and doors creaking open. My insane headache what is now a migraine, just makes shit worse. The noises are much louder than what they really are. Causing me to be disoriented and making feel like I was falling a million miles from space. What seemed like an hour of pain and an hour of noise lasted only 3 everlasting minutes. It finally calmed down... I rested my head and closed my eyes as I start to fall asleep once again for the 50th time. The second I felt safe, I heard an unusual burst of wind and then SLAM! My door blasted shut and my piercing migraine came back, along with ringing in my ears. Then I heard a voice, it seemed faint. But it must be really loud because my ears are still buzzing. The demonic voice was also distorted, but heart stopping. I couldn't make out where it was or what it said. But I knew someone or something was in my room...

"W-Whatever you do d-don't hurt me! I didn't do anything! Just p-please, tell me what you want! You can have anything!" I cried.

I quickly burrowed my face in fear under the blankets, hoping this would make me less frightened. As I wipe my tears from my face, I realized that hiding didn't do anything except cut off my visibility. So I slowly pulled down the covers and peak my head up. As my heart was racing I noticed that my migraine is gone. I clear my throat and I hear silence. It was quiet as the night sky and everything was black. Except... Except this heart stopping shape. There in the middle of my room, lay two eyes floating in air. But these eyes aren't just any eyes, nor human or animal. They're big and white except for its deep black pupils.

"They're just like the ones in my– oh god... Maybe this wasn't a dream!" I forced out of my mouth.

Who knows how long they've been there, in the middle of my room, watching me. Watching and waiting for me to notice its gruesome psychotic stare... And as I do, I hear three distorted and pain screeching words whisper out of its mouth. "Go to sleep."

I scream in pure agony as it lunges across my room and on top of my body. It throws up a knife and directs it straight at my heart. As I continue to kick, punch, and cry for help my dad breaks into my room. The next thing I see is that knife fly into his shoulder from across the room, then the criminal climbing back out my window.

* *

My clock reads 4:00 a.m. as it alarms.

"I hate this same old job with the same routine every morning. I'm getting tired of this shit."

I crawl out of my bed, trying not to awake her. I slowly walk myself to the bathroom and flick on the lights. I immediately shut my eyes as the white lights blind me. I attempt to find my way to the shower, but I end up stubbing my foot on the edge of the bathtub.

"God dammit that hurt!" I yell as I forget that my wife's fast asleep.

It's a good thing I didn't wake her up or else I'd be a dead man. I go to turn on the shower and I hear a noise. It sounded like a squeaky door opening or maybe a window. I exit the bathroom and look around my room but there's nothing there. I then hear a scream coming from the other side of the house.

"That sounded like Liu!" I cried out.

Without hesitation I stormed into his room and found a man dressed in black and white on top of his bed with a knife. He quickly turned his head toward me and hurled his knife at me. It flipped through the air and when I least expect it, it hits me. I feel a sharp burning pain in my left shoulder. I look down and I see six inches of steel sticking out of my body. I quickly remove the blade from my skin, and look to the criminal as he swiftly slides out the window.

* *

"If my neighbors never alerted the police, my dad and I would have been long gone. We would have died... My neighbors saved our lives and they probably didn't even know it..."

(Several Days Later)

I wake up. I thought I heard somebody sobbing, but it must have been my imagination. I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep. When all of a sudden I get the feeling like somebody is watching me again. I gaze up as a hand quickly covered my mouth. It was that criminal again, the one in white and black. He is on top of me as he slowly raised his knife and aimed at my heart once more. I squirmed and struggled to set myself free, but it was too late.

"Shhhh, just go to sleep" he whispered.

But that "He" that "Criminal," Turned out to be my brother. And his name was Jeff.

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