Jeff Vs Rake Part 3

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  Jeff the killer had been walking for hours on end until he reached what he calls his "home" but what many other sane people would call a forest. Jeff had just killed a recently married couple, and he felt no remorse mainly because the "feeling" had gotten to him and the other he was incredibly drunk holding a vodka bottle he had taken from the mans alchohol cupboard. Since he had been drinking his vision was blurred and laughed more than normal, Jeff as he was walking spotted a rabbit, he stood still getting ready to kill the fury ball in front of him until he heard a sort of howl... not that of a wolf but of something he had never seen before or heard of, this of course scared the rabbit and it ran away. Jeff being curious at what the noise was went in the direction from which the noise came, he walked at least a mile wandering what it could have been if he could hear it from so far, Jeff soon found out as he crept behind a bush just outside a small clearing. Jeff saw what appeared to be a hairless dog, but its face was shaped like a humans and had black orbs for eyes, Jeff trembled a little somehow the thought of this creature scared him. Despite being scared he lunged at it from the bushes and pinned it to the ground to get a closer look it clawed his face with what appeared to be rake-like fingers, it screeched and growled trying to escape the hands of this human but when it saw his face it was as scared as Jeff was a smile carved from ear to ear, burnt off eyelids and snow white skin, the creature manages to grab a rock without Jeff noticing and smashes it over Jeff's head, Jeff's world went black the last thing he remembered was the creature saying in a raspy voice "I am The rake". Jeff wakes up in a cave, sweaty and panting when he finally calms down he sees a pile of old and new things like phones, guns and knives he realized bloodied corpses next to the pile they have hiking gear on them, he looks up to see that the creature is just outside the cave, Jeff spots his knife and vodka bottle in the pile he grabs both and sneaks up on the rake and smashes the vodka bottle over his head "come on little buddy you look tired let me help you GO TO SLEEP!" Jeff yells as he pummels it to the ground and hears a cat like hiss coming from its mouth "you can't fucking scare me!" yelled Jeff as the creature flung Jeff off of him "humans don't scare me!" yelled the rake in return "good then you shouldn't be scared of me when I help you go to sleep!" Jeff yelled back and rushed towards the rake but he was too quick and side stepped to where Jeff fell face first into dirt, he tried to get up but the rake tackled him cut after cut sliced Jeff's chest blood started leaking from Jeff's mouth at the same time he realized he was next to a pile of tools the rake realized this to and jumped over to them and grabbed a saw Jeff grabbed a hammer and they went at each other the crunching of bones and the sawing of flesh was heard Jeff then remembered picking up his knife... He took the knife out of his pocket and stabbed the rakes arm and ran into the forest the rake pursued for a little but then suddenly stopped and ran back to the cave Jeff wandered what it was doing he stood there for only a few seconds until he saw it running at him with a metal object in its hand Jeff pondered at what it could be until he quickly remembered seeing guns in the pile while remembering this he was just standing there staring until he heard a loud gunshot sound and felt a searing pain in his ears, it had shot his ear he dived behind the bushes and ran as fast as he could having been running from the police for 12 years he had very strong legs and could run very fast beside this fact he did not seem to match the speed of the rake as it quickly caught up to him but Jeff had extremely fast reflexes and took a sharp right and the rake ran face first into a tree. Stunned Jeff had enough time to tackle it to the ground they were fighting and rolling around until they had gotten to the nearby grave yard where it ended Jeff had managed to strangle the creature to death and slice its throat. Jeff dragged the body back into the woods and dumped it under and old oak tree and walked back into the grave yard at the crack of dawn and stood in front of a grave stone with a name he recognized far too much on the grave stone the name read "Lui" suddenly Jeff heard a voice behind him he recognized it slightly he turned around to see two men one who was tall and skinny with a dopey face you would expect a side-kick to have and next to him was the fattest man Jeff had ever seen "hey Jeff you fuck remember us!" yelled the man Jeff remembered as Keith as they both pulled out guns from their pockets these were the same guns they used twelve years ago at Billy's party Jeff wandered how they got those guns back after the police had sent them to J.D.C, his pondering was quickly ended though when they said that they were going to "finish this for randy" Jeff looked back to his brothers tomb stone and somehow the remains of Jeff's sanity vanished and his insanity/feeling had hit overdrive he tackled them both to the ground before they could shoot and their guns fell out of their hands and onto the grass, Jeff sliced at their faces as they screamed and then the fat one, Troy had a heart attack and died right there, while Keith tried to push Jeff off until Jeff knocked him out with a single punch, as he was knocked out Jeff slid the knife into his heart and he died, Jeff appeared to be even more happy than usual as his grin was somehow wider.  

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