I was peacefully sleeping on my bed when I heard a loud irritating ass cry.I looked at my my phone and it was 3:00.I got up and went to hope crib.
me:stfu damn!
I grabbed a bottle, heated up and gave it to her.while I was feeding I heard moaning. I put the bottle down and burped hope.she was sleep so I laid her down.I kicked my parents door open to see them having sex.
me:oh hell to the no. I was putting yo child to sleep while you was making a new one.
Drake:shhh she's sleeping
me:because I put her to sleep. I should just take custody of her.
Drake:take her
I close their door and took all of hope's things in my room and shut the door.I laid down on my phone then I got a phone call.
phone convo
???:I was wrong you were right. fuck desiree I wanna be with you.
me:I know I'm right and really roc
roc:yea really
me:fine if we're together I gotta tell you something.
me:you got me pregnant last week
me:I'm just playing nigga
roc: don't scare me like that.
me:but we do have a child together
me:well you see my mom and dad don't won't hope so I'm a mother now.
roc:whoa that's deep.well tell my daughter good night.
me:lol okay
roc:see y'all tomorrow goodnight aco
me:good night
End of phone call
me:Whoa I'm a mother at the age if 15.