I woke up showered, and brushed my teeth.I grabbed my red plaid button up and tied it in the front, some black leggings with leather on the sides,and some red doc Martens that gave a black bottoms. I grabbed my black earrings. I then put my hair in a sloppy bun. I put on eye shadow, red lipstick,and clear lip gloss.
me:this damn broken arm is slowing me down.
I looked over and saw Ramona throwing up.
me:boo I think ray knocked you up.
Ramona: it can't be
me:here's a bottle of mouth wash for when you finished.
I put it on the sink.I walked out the bathroom and sat on my bed.prod woke up.
prod:good morning
I grabbed my phone and bookbag and went downstairs. I ate some kiwi then I got in my limo.
me:brooke darling how are you?
Brooke:I'm good babes
me:to the hell hole please
she started driving
me:question.what's your real name
brooke: Brooklyn Marie Minaj.
brooke: I'm your sister
me:oh yass bew. I got me a killa.
brooke: *smiling*were here.
I walked into school. I was waiting on them to get here so I let people sign my cast.ten minutes later they showed up.
me:damn y'all late.
Ramona: cause you left us.
me:sorry but I'm not a fan of being late.
Ramona: I'm Still mad at you.
me:I'm sorry mona. but I gotta go whoop a boy ass now so come on.
Ramona: smh. ugh fine.
I skipped off followed by Mona.we found Damarkques in a corner. I round house kicked him then walked to class.
skip to lunch
I was on Mona back and we walked in the lunchroom. I got down and sat at the regular table.
we kissed
roc:hey mona
Ramona: only my friends call me Mona but y'all can Call me money if ya dirty
me:nobody calls you that mona.
Ramona: they will. just let it catch on.
I pulled out my pear.
Ramona: I want it.
me:ugh fine. take it.
she took it and I started painting my nails red and black.
Mona:you know what you should do
she wispered: write out prods big dick on them.
me:o.O. hell to the nah motha fucka
Mona:*laughing * I'm done .
me:you dirty.