A/N: Super excited about these next coming chapters, I hope you enjoy.
Disclaimer: I'm crying cause I don't own Harry Potter, I'm thinking about just to stop writing to avoid it being rubbed in my face. But I won't so don't worry :(
Third POV
Harry kept his head down the rest of the meal and didn't even glance up as dessert was served. Draco and the rest of the Slytherins grew nervous and worried at Harry's behavior. When the meal was over, Draco shook Harry's shoulders and pulled him along to the front, right behind the Slytherin prefect. Harry and Draco were led to the dungeons where almost all the first years except Harry and a few others drew their robes tighter around themselves.
" How are you not cold Harry?" Draco asked tentatively not knowing if Harry was calmed down. Harry smiled at Draco and replied with a simple but quiet phrase of ," I got used to the cold. I like it sometimes." Draco shook his head and walked a little faster causing Harry to laugh loudly. Everyone close enough to Harry was entranced by his angelic laugh that could make even the toughest man crack a smile. Draco though seemed unaffected and pulled Harry along, just happy that Harry was out of his mood.
They all stopped in front a small alcove of flat smooth stone. The prefect turned around and addressed the first years,"So this is the entrance to the Slytherin house. To enter you must say the password which is 'sanguis' for this week. You are not allowed to bring anyone in here and if you have any issues you are to speak to myself or any of the other Slytherin prefects or our Head Of House Professor Snape. He may seem a bit hard to approach but as long as you don't call him out on it during class he can be very fatherly towards us." He turned around and whispered the password and the stones shifted around until a doorway formed. He lead them through it and stopped in the middle of a large room with green couches and armchairs all around the room with small and large tables accompanying them. On one wall were four huge windows showing the dark shadows of the lake and an abundance of creatures swimming past. The windows cast an eerie blue hue through the room and was accompanied by the green fire of the torches placed along the walls. On the wall farthest from the entrance we're two hallways and between them was a large fireplace made with black quartz. In front of the fire place was a tall man with all black shoulder length hair and all black robes with his back to them. He slowly turned and smiled softly, his onyx eyes lighting up, at the new batch of students. His gaze travelled to each of them and stopped on Harry for a rather long amount of time before moving on.
"Welcome to the Slytherin house. I hope to see you all grow as individuals through you time here and I hope to be a part of your change. We all are supportive of our house and can only truly trust other snakes and occasionally a raven or two. We are usually classified as the dark house but really we just produce the most powerful wizards and witches. The boys dorms are on the right and the girls on the left. You will all get your schedules tomorrow morning at breakfast and will have until next week before classes start. Get a good nights rest and don't mind the creatures in the lake we can only see them they can't see us. Goodnight my snakes." With that Snape walked out his robes billowing behind him. Harry smiled, He did seem rather fatherly didn't he?.
Harry and Draco were the first to the dorms and noticed a set of ten rooms all with two beds each. The boys walked off into a random room and claimed beds. Their luggage appeared magically and their names engraved into the door. They both got changed and climbed into bed whispering goodnight before drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
The next morning
Harry woke up to the silent but urging hisses of his snakes telling him to wake up. He groaned and looked over to see Draco still asleep. He got a glint in his eyes as he walked toward the sleeping Draco, he paused looking at his peaceful form before smirking. Harry put his hands lightly on Draco's back before he started pushing Draco roughly screaming loudly in his ear " WAKE UP DRACO! WAKE UPP!!" Draco sat up with a start making Harry jump away from him grinning like an cat. Draco's blonde hair was sticking up in odd places making Harry snort. Draco narrowed his eyes at Harry before throwing the blankets off his legs and attempting to tackle Harry. Harry squealed and ran away from him jumping over his bed and around the room effectively avoiding Draco until he stumbled over Draco blankets that were now on the floor. Draco caught Harry around the middle his hand clutching too tightly around Harry's scars causing him to cry out in pain. Draco dropped his hands immediately only to have Harry drop to the floor clutching his side. Harry was breathing hard and bit his lip to avoid making any noise. Draco kneeled next to Harry softly touching his shoulder.

Here For You
FanficHarry Potter did not live a normal life. He was abused by the relatives and told that his parents, Lily and James Potter, were dead. He had no other family, and he never would. But what we're told isn't always the truth... WARNINGS!! MINOR MENTION...