-Chapter Three-

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"I do have something that might help." I say slowly, bracing myself. I look over at Chloe who knows what I'm about to do. He raises an eyebrow.

"And that is?" He question.

"This." I swing my fist around and it hits his jaw. He staggers backwards and falls to the floor, dropping his gun. Chloe swings the butt of her gun around to hit the guard by her. The guard also staggers backwards but managed to stay on her feet. I quickly grab the gun from the guard on the floor and point it at him. The female guard by Chloe points her gun at me however Chloe points her gun at the guard.

The guard on the floor stands back up and stares at me. His face is filled with anger as he lunges at me. I shoot him before he reaches me and the gunshot echoes through the night air. Chloe quickly shoots the guard in front of her before she manages to shoot at me.

"We've probably alerted every single guard in the area." Chloe states, reloading her gun and ducking down. I duck down beside her and think of what to do next, "You could have made a bit less noise."

"I know, but I panicked." I say, peering over the wall to see if any guards are coming. Sure enough, they're all staring up at the rooftops towards us. I see some running off to the side looking for a way up, "Wanna get out of here?"

"As soon as possible." Chloe says. I half run, half crawl across the rooftop back in the direction we came from. As I'm running to where the unconscious guards are, I see more guards climbing up the fire escape. Our only exit, "June, we're outnumbered." Chloe says as we dive behind the chimney from before.

The guards all have their guns raised and are on high alert. We could try and shoot them all, but it's unlikely we'll have enough ammo. I only have one clip and Chloe only got another from one of the guards.

"Is there anyway down from here?" I ask Chloe, keeping a close eye on the approaching guards.

"The only possible way is climbing down, but that sounds like a horrible idea."

"It's the only choice we've got. There's no way we'll get past them and no way we'll kill them all." Chloe stares at me for a long time, like she's thinking of other possibilities. She sighs.

"Fine. But if I die I'm blaming you." We go to the edge of the building and look off the edge. A few windowsills point out, just big enough to fit our feet on.

"There. Go onto the windowsill." Chloe nods and starts to climb over the edge. She looks over nervously and then back at me, "You'll be fine." I assure her. She takes a deep breath and starts to lower her foot over the edge. I look back over to see where the guards are. They're all scattered around the rooftop and slowly approaching us.

"This is it. This is how I die." Chloe says, now putting her other foot over the edge.

"You're not going to die. Now, come on. They're coming." She slowly starts to lower herself down onto the ledge and I prepare myself to follow her.

"Hey!" I hear from behind me. I turn around and see a guard with a crowbar start to run over. She holds the bar with such force her hand shakes.

"Chloe, come on." There won't be enough room for both of us. The guard coming over seems to have alerted the other guards around her and they all look over. The guard towers over me and she holds the crowbars above her. She brings it down and I just manage to catch her arm before it hits me. She pushes me onto the edge of the wall and tries to slam the crowbar down again. I wrestle with her, holding both her wrists in an attempt to throw her off me.

She breaks one of her hands free and punches me across the face with force I don't expect. Stars fill my vision and I feel lightheaded. I feel her grab my jacket by the collar and start to pull me up. My vision clears and I pull back against her. I push her hand off me and look over the edge, where Chloe seems to be on the next windowsill down.

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