Chapter 1

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Jessica Heap is the woman in the external image. Enjoy!

Chapter 1

"Amelia, wake up. It's just another nightmare," the voice that had interrupted my "dream" urged as the vision or whatever you'd like to call it slowly faded away leaving me in a paralyzed trance. I can't believe that these nightmares have returned.

As I regained composure the remaining number of the Original family were gathered around me- consisting of Rebekah, Nik, and last but not least Elijah.

"Amelia, do you need anything?" the man with the luscious brown hair questioned my state.

Right when those four words nervously tumbled from his mouth whirls of memories had come rushing at me, causing me to grip my already light-head as an attempt to stop the excruciating pain from continuing. Through out my harsh actions I had achieved toppling off the bed and engulfing the wood floor in a hug.

"What's wrong with me Elijah," I faintly tried my best on asking what was wrong with me and slightly lifting my weak and frail body of the floor.

I looked up at the three slightly blurry figures towering over her like skyscrapers that reminded me of the errands I was on my way to do in NYC. Examining them closer I noticed Rebekah's' and Nik's' gobsmacked facial expressions.
Then it hit her like train-wreck...

"Kol, please don't do it."

"No, Amelia you need to grasp the concept that I don't love you and that I never did."

"And that's the thing Kol. You neither seem to grasp the concept that I will never stop loving you, no matter what. I don't care about your past, I only care about you, us, and the present. But still no matter what you do to get me to hate you, I- I- I.. I can't seem to hate you. Your actions yes but not you Kol why don't you get that into your tiny little brain!" I exclaimed at the man I once and still love.

I took a few more breaths and continued but softly this time, "Kol, I love you no matter what. I don't care if you're a blood-sucking monster because that doesn't make you, it's a part of you. Just please don't leave this behind, us."

Meanwhile, the three originals just stood there watching me speak to the lamp in the corner of the room. Closely listening to my one-sided conversation with the lamp taller than me. Suspicions confirmed of me talking to the lamp as if it was Kol when I had said his name.

"I can and I will, Amelia. You don't overpower me and you won't because I'm an Original and you can't stop me!" he raged on.

"Kol, you're forgetting that I'm not much younger than you, meaning that we can work this out. Why can't you see that I truly care about you? I've gone out of my way to reassure you and your family safety. Yeah, before you got the dagger. Remember the promise I made to you? Well I never, ever planned on breaking it and I didn't. I've watched over your family all these centuries and not once did I fail you. But yet, here you are declaring that you're leaving me once again that you're leaving me, Kol. You've broke so many promises to me. Also, you've done malicious and horrid things to try and hurt me but I just can't stop loving you Kol."

"Amelia, do-"

"No, you shut up Kol! You will listen to every single thing I have to say to you whether you like it or not!" I exclaimed.

"And why should I?" the man I love countered.
"Because it's the least you could do after everything," taking a deep breathe to continue. "I even snapped Mikael's neck when he went to New Orleans. I had to at least do something about their treachery," spitting the word treachery when it was said.

"Anyways, you don't have to worry about me when you leave Kol. Because I will simply stop loving you when it's the right time. I'm digging that nowadays it's I'll move on sooner or later? Yeah, so I will ask of you to never come back to me if this truly is what you want. Because once you leave the second time, you can't come back for my love. So, farewell Kol." I reached for his shirts collar to bring his face closer and smashed my lips to his.

I was sobbing and I knew he felt the wetness of my cheeks when I had kissed him as a goodbye.

"Goodbye, Kol," I said a couple moments after I had released him.

The vision faded away and I noticed that I myself was staring at the lamp I had previously been kissing passionately.

"Well, ain't that awkward. Kissing a lamp thinking it was Kol, huh?" I joked trying to lighten the tenseness in the room.

Turning around and came to what I liked to call the gang which consists of Katherine, Matt, Stefan, Damon, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, and the three Originals.

"Well now we've been assured that not only are you a whore with living things. But also with decorative objects," Elena declared. Bonnie and her snorted at what the doppel-bitch had said.

"Oh, well fuck you too. Doppel-bitch that just strings along both the handsome Salvatore brothers. Not to mention that you've fucked them both and ruined their brotherly bromance I oh so love. I mean you've gotta ship them. Defan, right guys?" I ushered.

My mood lifted from feeling shitty to shipping Defan's bromance.

Surprisingly, the Salvatore brothers ignored the comment. Along with everyone else, and continued to question me.

"What just happened?" Elena hesitated.

No matter how much she tried to hate me I knew that deep, deep down both Elena and Bonnie cared for me.

In a way, I suppose.

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