Chapter 3

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I open my eyes, and glace at the small window provided. I stand, putting my bag on, and peek out.

Holy cow.

It's Jestro and his book. And his monsters. We make eye contact again, only this time, the grin is already plastered onto his face. I stagger backward, fumbling for the doorknob, and opening the door, only to turn and run as fast as my legs will carry.

"Clay!" I yell. "Macey!" I run into the training room first, where Clay is carrying out a simulation. I turn it off, and he drops his sword in surprise.

"Sianna, I'm training." He says, annoyed, and picks up his sword. I grab his wrist and pull him out of the room.

"You don't have time to train, your training is coming here." I drag him to the nearest window and force him to look outside. Right at Jestro's rolling fort.

"Oh my god." He mutters. "Nexo Knights!" And from the relaxation room, I can hear a sigh of annoyance before Lance walks out. Axel comes out of the kitchen, eating something. Macey and Aaron come out of the game room, Aaron's face beaming with pride, and Macey with the face of acceptance.

"What do you want?" Lance says, clearly bothered that he had to stop whatever he was doing. But before we can do anything, monsters burst into the hallway.

And grab for me.

I scream as the monsters burn my arms and attempt to drag me away.

"Sianna!" Aaron calls. The burns get worse, the smell of fire and skin fill the air, and I scream louder, the pain too much to bear. The magma surfaces of tons of monsters continue to burn me and drag me away. The only thing that I have with me when they drag me out of the Fortrex is my small little bag, which goes unharmed. The knights chase after us, but fail, as an army is waiting outside. They smack monster by monster, moving slowly towards me, but I'm thrown into Jestro's fort. I slam my head on the rock surface of the floor, and pain rockets through my skull.

"Guys!" I manage to call out, but the pain stops me from saying more. I must have hit it hard because my vision starts to blur. The Knights try to move ahead, but a sea of monsters swarm over them. I fight to stay conscious but fail. 

The last things I hear before blacking out are Macey calling my name and Jestro's evil laughter.

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