Chapter 16

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The stone fortress shakes, and a piece of the roof lands inches away from me as I run down the hall. I can hear Jestro's footsteps somewhere behind me, and I have such an urge to turn around and help him. But before I can, everything bursts into flames, everything burns except me and him. I breathe heavily. Why did it have to be fire?!

"Help!" I scream as if it will do anything. We are both stuck in rings of fire. What is going on?

I gasp and sit up. The building isn't burning, the roof isn't falling. But Jestro is standing over me, snapping his fingers.

"Hello? Are you awake?" 

"I am now." I get up. "Thank god."

"C'mon, we're going on a mission."

"And you're bringing me?"

"Why not? You won't stay here with the book, you two can't stand each other."

"You're going without the book?"

"Yes." He takes my wrist and pulls me to his rolling fortress. We both climb into the part where Jestro and the book normally occupy. Somehow, the bottom part that I was in before, the big cage, broke. I'd be able to climb out if I was there. No chance now.

"So, what do you need me to do? Steal something from the Fortrex? De-activate Merlock? Because I won't do any of it."

"Those woods, the dark something.." 

"The Dark Forest?"

"Yeah, that's the one." He shudders. "I hate those woods, but there's a book there. So, I'm assuming you know your way around the place." His assumption was correct. I was raised near those forests, and as I got older, I went exploring in them. I know the place like I know my own home.

"Your genius assumption is correct." I spit sarcastically. "But if there was a magic book, I would have seen it by now. The knights go in there more times then you think."

"Before or after Merlock's spell?"

"Both, more after than before."

"Great!" We stop and behold, the Dark Forest. It was a stereotypical horror movie setting. The trees were dried and all their branches spiked up to the sky. Dull lights floated behind them, and mist covered the ground. It's always dark in that place, day or night. Jestro orders me to get out, and I do. "Lead the way, Sianna!"

It's funny, how I don't want to run away. I can easily locate the Fortrex using Robin's speaker, and I can just as easily run from Jestro, but I don't. As he walks a few feet behind me, I lead us both into the woods.

I think this is where I'm going to earn his trust for good. But I can tell he wants to actually be friends with me.

And you know what? I do too.

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