Chapter 14

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I look at the book for a while. 

"Isn't that what you've been doing this whole time?" It throws a glare at me.


"Why? Don't you wanna stop him? He's the enemy."

"He was also Clay's friend." I spit.

"Clay. Huh, I thought you would know that doesn't matter anymore." It scoffs. I know that's not true. But I glance down at the floor and at the cracked narrow pole a few inches away. I can hear the book walk out of the room. This is stupid. I need to earn Jestro's trust, and also the book's if I want my plan to work. I walk out of the room and stupidly fumble through my pockets for the speaker. I can hear it's static in my bag, but nobody speaks. I shake my head and look up. The doorway to the top floor is open, and I step inside. As I walk absently, I spot a lone little door. I remember looking around, and there was a staircase to a roof-like area. I open the door and take the stairs up.

For the first time, I get a good look at the lava-lands. They spread on for about a mile. I can't understand how Jestro can hide the fact that he can't bear the heat, and he probably hasn't improved even after a ton of time in his fortress. The cracks in the ground are extremely large and spread like a branch across the whole junkpile of a place.

"Hey, I delivered the note."  I hear behind me. I turn.

"Thanks," I say. "Clay got suspicious, didn't he?"

"Like heck! For five minutes, we just stood there, he wouldn't take it!"

"Sounds like him." I sigh. Jestro sits down next to me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just thinking about old times."

"When you weren't evil?" He hesitates, and I can tell he feels a little nostalgic. Jestro nods his head. "You still remember some jokes, right?"

"They're all bad."

"No, I like them. You're not too shabby."

"R-r-really?" He stammers, almost as if it was a surprise. I nod my head. For a little, we don't take much. I take in the lava lands. But, I remember, I have him here. I can nudge him into my plan.

"The book. Why didn't you run away after the library incident? It's not like it has legs."

"I didn't really want to." He breathes in deeply. "You call it the 'library incident'?"

"I don't know what else to call it." I look down at the ground, a least a ten-meter drop. "It's how I got my fear," I add, like a soft side note. Jestro, however, overheard it.

"Explain." He says. Should I tell him, the book said... The book. It doesn't matter. Why take his word? I recall the moment.

"When I got there, everything was on fire. Every book. It was scary. And the spell Merlock had used, it threw Clay out of the room and knocked him out. I think the fact that everything was on fire drew the connection."

"Nobody else was there?"


"All I remember was the big spell and being thrown out the window."

"I must have gotten there after you were blasted." I chuckle. Jestro smiles. 

"I don't even think it's possible to be thrown that far in one blow!" He laughs.

"Right?" I exclaim. I suddenly realize what's going on.

We're becoming friends. He trusts me. But how? It's been at least four days. I think it's because of how much he doubts himself. I mean, he found a friend in Clay, a control freak. But I let it slide. It feels good to have a friend.

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