Chapter 5

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I decide not to follow Jestro. Instead, I go to the left, reminding myself that he had gone right. He had told me not to disturb the book.

"What's so special about some stupid book?" My mind echoes. "It does talk, and it did possess Jestro. And it can summon monsters.". I shake my head violently but stop since my skull still hurts. I roam around the castle. Soon enough, I come across a lone doorway, in a dead-end hall. I put my ear against it, but I don't hear anything. I open the door and step inside. The room is small and empty, and it has a window. I don't know why, but I run over to it, and look outside. It wasn't covered by bars, or glass, nothing like that. I take in the surroundings. Around the castle, was a molten lava moat, with rock drawbridges every so open. I can see the end of the lava lands, it isn't too far off. The line between the grass and lava almost looks white. And, in a far away corner, I can see King Halbert's castle. Which leads me back to the main problem.

What are the knights going to do?

They need to break the news to the king that I was taken. And, worse, my parents. Oh gosh, what will they tell my parents? I can almost hear Clay's stone-cold, serious voice. Tears form up again. No, stop. I can't attract attention. But, tears fall down again. Not gut-wrenching sobs like before, but, silent. I take out my notepad, sit down on the floor, stop crying, and draw the window. I draw the view outside, the thin, white line that borders the two worlds, and the castle, Then, I stuff the notepad and pencil away, and leave myself there, against the wall, to cry. Again. I barely ever cry. Now, it seems as though all those tears I've been holding in just, couldn't hold anymore.

"Those tears picked the right time. I'm alone. Nobody can see me cry." I tell myself. I let my tears hit the floor. I can hear the door creak open, but I don't lift my head up, don't need to see who it is. I know who it is.

"Are... you okay?" Jestro asks, closing the door behind him. He sits down next to me, and I can hear his staff clang on the floor. I nod my head, yes, but he doesn't care.

"You are not okay." He says.

"And you suddenly care. If you cared so much, why am I here?" I mutter. He looks at me.

"I... I don't know." I snap my head up to look at him. His eyes are trained on the floor. "It was the book's idea.  He says he's got some big plan for me, so I should try to prove myself." He continues. I stand up to look out the window. He stands up too and looks out with me.

"Do you, miss King Halbert?" I ask. Something in his eyes says yes, but he nods his head no. " did you find me? How did you know I was here?" 

"Well, you still had dirt on your shoes." Jestro nods his head towards the grasslands, which, from here, seemed far away. "...And I could hear you crying." He finished. A noise escapes from my throat.

"God, this place makes me nauseous," I admit.


"I have pyrophobia." Jestro looks at me with confusion. "Fear of fire. If I get in contact, or near it, I get dizzy." 

"So, you're dizzy now?"

"Only a little. I'm getting used to it. Since you go spitting fire and whatnot on every town you see, I've been near it more often." He stifles a laugh.

"Okay, now that this is over, I came here to come to get you."

"For what?"

"The book wants to see you," Jestro says, gazing out the window.

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