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Thomas's POV
What the hell was that?! What's wrong with me? James... He looked so hurt... All because... Because...

I was so sad that Alex is John's soulmate.

Like, haha, what are the odds my two crushes are soulmates? I was so stupid for thinking I would ever have a shot with them. They both hate me anyway.

Oh Alex, I'm so sorry I subjected you to all that shit just because I couldn't find anyone weak enough to put through.

John... I'm so sorry I made you go through being the one to take care of Alex after I subjected him to that...

I'm so sorry.

And look where I am now! Colour blind while you see the world in it's full potential!

I close my eyes and sigh, and turn onto my back from my bed. I slowly open my eyes.
"Aaaagghhrrr! What the fuck, Alex?!" I sort of scream as I recoil from where he's standing over me.

"Well, you seem sad. Mind if I test your dopamine levels?" He giggles before saying, "Relax, I don't even know how to do that," after I shook my head rapidly. "What's got you down, dude?" He says after sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Why would you want to know, girly?" I sneered at him, scooting further away from him without falling off the bed, trying not to seem phased he was so close to me.

He looked hurt for a moment, then sighed. "Please. Stop calling me that. Gee, I'm sorry my parents won't let me start on T yet, but I'm a boy. There's no need to call me a girl anymore." He looked down. "And anyway, I can tell not your usual self, so, go on, spill. We are roommates now." He looked back up, a slight smile gracing his face.

"Wait. Your transgender?!" I coughed at the sudden coming out.

"Yeah, you didn't know? Why have you always called me girly th- Oh wait never mind. Anyway, yes I am, biologically, female. I am not to be called a 'she' though, ok? I. Am. A. Male." He looked over at me dangerously, his glasses glinting slightly, like we were in some anime or something.

I feverishly nodded my head. "Of course. Anyway, what were we talking about before, eh?" I said, rubbing the back of my head, trying to change the subject. His face immediately softened.

"I said you looked super sad. What's going on?" He was making a conscious effort to not fuck up while talking to me. I appreciate that.

"... James." I looked down at my knees as I curled up into myself.

"Was it that thing that happened earlier, when you were fused?"

I looked at him sourly, he'd been the one to cause this, but, he did look as if he genuinely cared. "Yup." I looked down again.

"... I'm sorry... I caused all that to happen didn't I? When I said about being John's soulmate... Wait-" He looked up at me. "-Doesn't matter. Anyway, I'll tell you something, but only John knows this ok? Weren't, how would you put this... Full soulmates, if that makes sense."


"John... He isn't my only soulmate. And I'm not only his. Weird, right?" He laughed awkwardly as I stared at him blankly. He looked up at me slowly, showing his eyes from behind his bangs, and before I knew what I was doing, I surged forwards, and his lips met mine.

It took a moment, and I think it surprised both of us honestly, but he kissed back. I pulled away, and started panicking.

"Oh my stars! I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that, what was I thinking, oh Gott verdammt, I-"

"Thomas. Look around." Alex said quietly. I cautiously did so. And I almost stopped breathing.

So much colour, almost everywhere! There was still some black and while, but I was guessing that was for my other soulmate to fill. John...

"W-We're soulmates... We're soulmates! WE'RE SOULMATES!" I practically screamed, pure joy written all over my face.

"Yeah! Yeah we are!" Alex laughed slightly, and quickly pecked my lips again. "I'm so happy!" We both said together.

"Let's go tell John!" Alex said suddenly. I slightly froze as he tried pulling me off my bed. "What is it Tommie? Can I call you Tommie? Imma call you Tommie. That's a cute nickname don't'cha think?" He giggled as I smiled.

"Tommie's stickin' with me til I die, ok? It's just... I'm pretty sure John still hates my guts for putting you through all that shit."

"Come off it Tommie, if you're his soulmate, he can't hate you forever right?"

"I know, but-"

"No buts, no nuts, so coconuts! You go balls or nah?"


"Not the right mind set evidently! I might have to slap some sense into you!" He said as he straddled my hips and roughly kissed me. "You do have balls." He grinned mischievously. "I can feel them if I do this." He said as he reached down and groped me.

I choked back a slight moan that almost left my throat. "Ok, ok, you win! Let's go before I regret my descition!" I hurriedly stood up, almost knocking him onto the floor doing so, if I hadn't caught him.

"Yay!" Alex grabbed my hand ans rushed towards the door that lead to the living room area. He literally kicked open the door, screaming, "JOHN LOOK, I FOUND OUR OTHER SOULMATE!!!" While dragging me behind him.

"Oh cool Alex, who is..." He trailed off as he turned and looked at me.

"You have got to be joking me right now."

WHAT IS THIS? UPDATE ON BOOK? What is this?! Why have I been gone so long, why am I up so late when I have to be up at 4:45 tomorrow morning?
Well, I'll tell you. Yup, this is a update on a Jamilams book. I've been gone so long cos I forgot I had this book, also Hetalia and Steven Universe. And I someone voted on the book, so I was like, oh shit, I need to update! So thank you whoever did that. I'll be back soon, bye!

Jamilams: Distant Shore (Soulmate AU) (Fusion AU) !DISCONTINUED! Where stories live. Discover now