Very Stets Uni

180 8 6

John's POV
"We are the Corrupted Gems!
We'll try and save your day,
But probably fail,
And get on your way.

It's all the Diamonds fault...

Believe in;

Jasper, those Beetles, and Biggs-- AnD StEvEn!"

Yeah, I don't know what I just did. Some John Laurens magic? I don't know, it just came to me.

"Are you serious?" Thomas asks as he sets down his book, a disappointed look on his face. Alex just stops clapping the rhythm when I finish.

"What? I can sing the classic version, the extended theme, Stronger Than You, Peridot's version, Homeworld Gems version, Change Your Mind, and bleh, of course, Corrupted Gems, a beautiful original, by moi!" I exclaimed, counting off my fingers, genuinely proud.

"You just said 'Hi' in Finnish." Thomas deadpanned.

"No, I said 'Me' in French." I argued back.

"All aboot pronunciation, eh." Alex butted in with an over accentuated Canadian accent.

"Aboot, fucking shit..." Thomas rubbed his eyes, already tired, but with a slight smirk gracing his features.

"Can you sing--" Alex turned to me, only to but stopped by Thomas.


"But Tooommmmmiiiee, Peridot's song is amazing!!" Alex whines. "It's like, a mix of Season One Peridot, and None-Of-Post-Redemption-Peridot!" He cooes excitedly.

"Alex, no. Besides, I haven't even seen Steven Universe." He sighs and opens his book again, but is stopped when Alex and I gasp and slap the book from his hands.


"sERIES BINGEWATCH!!!" We scream simultaneously, making Thomas flinch slightly.

"Guys, you really don't think th--"

"Of course it is! Now shut up, we're going to have to use YouTube, but we can get key points, right? Yeah, sure." I snuggled up to his side as Alex got YouTube up on his computer and almost got sidetracked by his recommendations.

I don't know how long we wasted - not even - enjoyed watching these episodes, but when we finished, it was dark outside. Alex had fallen asleep, and Thomas was petting his hair.

"Did you enjoy it?" I asked him sleepily.

"Yeah. Yeah, I did, but I'm still confused. Why did White get such a quick redemption arc? Why didn't she split Ruby and Sapphire when she like, zapped them or whatever... But I guess that was, um, ok of her to do that...?"

"I never thought of that... I was just glad you got to see their wedding. You're face absolutely lit up!"

"I loved it. I wasn't expecting Ruby to wear the dress either, but I like how it contrasts both her and Sapphire's usual looks."

"I like Rebecca Sugar, oh they're the creature of the show if you weren't sure," I smile at Thomas, before yawning. "I'm so tired though... I'm just going to fall asleep right now..." I curl up beside him, and drift off.

I wake up a few hours later with an arm wrapped around my side. I slowly crack my eyes open to see Alex, Thomas and I still in the same position as last night. I was the first up, which was unusual. I slipped out of Thomas' grasp, and quietly made breakfast for myself.

I remembered I had class today, so quickly wrote a note to them, and slipped out.

Whelp, art was fun.

~Here have some writers block~

When I got back to the room, it must have been around 3 in the afternoon, so both of my boys were up and about, no longer feeling so tired.

Or, well, Thomas was cradling a ranting Alex on the couch, where I had left them. Alex was going on about some kid in his group project who had given up writing the essays they were meant to be writing. His name was John, from what I caught, and he'd only written five pages. That was more than I could do...

Thomas looked thoroughly confused, but was trying to be comforting still, a good sign.

I sighed and flopped down next to them.

"Hey guys, spill the tea. Alex come here baby, I think your cutting off Thomas' blood supply in his legs." I said, with a face that I think said I couldn't give less shits on it. Nevertheless, Alex slowly crawled off Thomas' lap, being careful not to hit anything with his knees. (;3)

In due time, Alex fell asleep, a miracle seeing as he usually pulled all-nighters for 3 days in a row (if we were being lucky) leaving only Thomas and I awake. He slowly turned to me, as I petted Alex's hair.

"I'm not great at this, am I?" He questioned in a subdued tone.

"What?" I returned, not looking up.

"Being a soulmate. Being his soulmate--" he gestured towards Alex's peaceful body. "--Or being your soulmate. I bullied both of you for most of your life already, he almost died because of it, I didn't know he was trans until a few weeks ago, I can't even keep up with his rants... I just... I know I'm meant to be with you, but sometimes I wonder why I got paired with two angels. You're amazing, fantastic, brave, all the things I'm not. I'm nowhere near perfect." He ended quietly, silently crying.

I smiled over to him, and took his hand.

"Hey," I said just as quietly, making him look up at me.

"'If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs.'" I chuckled.

"What?" He looked genuinely confused, but stopped crying.

"Wait... Did you seriously not see that clip?! Dammit!" I shouted, accidentally waking up Alex in the process.

Words: 921 (Ugh it's really short sorry)

Don't ask about the title, I think I got it from a YouTube video a while back, but Idk.

Woah, woah, woah, wait. You guys thought I was neglecting you again? My dear readers?! HAHAHA YOU THOUGHT! I JUST SAW HAMILTON TODAY IN THE WESTEND AND DECIDED TO SAVE IT TO TELL YOU GUYS!

Seriously though, it was amazing, obviously, I knew everything that was going to happen, but my mum apparently didn't. Seriously, it got to the Laurens Interlude and she was like, wait he dies?! Well yeah, I mean, all of them are dead oops spoiler alert.

Hope you have a good day/night! I have 31 questions of maths homework I haven't started to be in for Monday, so I'll be stressing over that, but you're perfect, you've done everything and have nothing to worry about. Ciao bella's!

Jamilams: Distant Shore (Soulmate AU) (Fusion AU) !DISCONTINUED! Where stories live. Discover now