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Right, so, there's this whole chapter my Wattpad says I've posted, but I guess I haven't, so here, I'll write it up again!
Sorry for the crappy picture, I thought it was the best thing ever when I drew it lol.

John's POV

This is... So confusing... Thomas Jefferson is my... Soulmate.

The guy I thought I'd hate forever... Is my soulmate.

And I'm fine with that?!

We were sitting on the couch, watching TV,((Just realised how much that sounds like Cell Block Tango huh)) and as Alex had went out shopping, we had nothing to talk about, and no need to talk to each other. So we just sat there. I lay across his side as he watched whatever was on, I don't know, I had my earphones in, and he wrapped his arm around me.

I looked up, surprised. Thomas had never been one to show discreet affection, even with James.

I mean, they were either talking, or making out, or fusing, so yeah, I'm kind of still shocked that they aren't soulmates.

He has a slight blush on his face, and is obviously nervous. Good. I'll take full advantage of that.

I turn onto my knees and face him, going right up to his face, a smirk adorning mine as I literally see him crumbling underneath me.

"Hey," I whisper onto his cheek as he refused to look at me.

"H-Hi." He manages to stammer back. Look at his gayness showing. Awww.

"How straight are you?" I ask suddenly, pulling back a bit.

"... I'm pan." He answers back, in an almost questioning tone. "Um... Why, may I ask?"

"I'm full gay, Alex is, as you know, bi trans. You just seemed really gay to me." I sigh and shrug and sit down in my original position again.

"I dont even know anymore. I've been out with a shit tonne of girls, but they've just never been the same to me as boys have."

"So... You're, like, more poly that pan then?"

"... Yeah, I guess I am."

"You were always more dominant with James, right?" He nodded his head, seeing I was trying to pick up pace again. "Well, don't get used to that."

He suddenly seemed taken aback. "Wait, what?"

"I mean, look at you! You get flustered just putting your arm around me, so don't think you'll be topping in bed!" God, I'm too open for my own good, but his blush returned, so that's good.

"W-Who said anything about being in bed?!" He whispered, like someone else would hear.

"I did." I replied in a flat tone.

"Yes, well, of course you did, but did you have to?"

"There is literally no-one else here. You don't need to whisper."

"I just... James and I always knew we weren't soulmates, so we never talked about that stuff, unless it was a harmless joke or whatever." He said, returning to a normal volume.

"Well that changes now! Me and Alex have never fused together before, it would be a treat if we could actually do it... With you." I side glanced him, checking for the reaction I was hoping for. I did.

He looked genuinely excited and interested at the prospect of doing so, with his actual soulmates.

"... We could try right now if you want to." He said quietly.

Jamilams: Distant Shore (Soulmate AU) (Fusion AU) !DISCONTINUED! Where stories live. Discover now