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Zoya's POV:

My legs burnt from the running, it was like my lower body had been doused in acid- my muscles a stinging dull pain as I came to a halt. A muscular arm tucked itself around my waist and I was pulled back with such force that when my back hit something hard, I was sure I had whiplash.

"Stop running from me Zoya, you're my wife" his voice was full of desperation, his breath hot on my ear, leaving goosebumps trailing across my now heated skin

Tears cascaded down my face "Please" I whispered "I dont know who you are" I hated the weakness in my voice, I hated how though my mind told me to run, my heart begged me to just stay, his arms around my waist offered me safety I didn't even know I needed, safety I had no idea I wanted until I had it.

I could feel his arm drop from around my waist, as quickly as he had let me go, he was infront of me, his nose less than an inch away from my own, there was a dark aura around him, full of anger, I wasn't sure if the anger was aimed at me "You are my wife Zoya, I will not let you go" his voice was husky, slightly cracking, and the way his eyes swirled with different shades of brown and green was hypnotising, his face dropped and his hand raised then clenched "I dont mean to scare you, I really dont, but I can't let you go, I can't live without you"

The sincerity in his eyes knocked the breath right out of me, but I didn't respond, I wouldn't, he was my captor, nothing more. I watched as he stepped away from me and allowed me to walk away from him, I turned back two or three times to ensure he wasn't watching me and I walked away, my heart clenching at the broken look in his eyes and the sad expression on his face. Hastily I entered the spare room, slammed my door and locked it, I just wanted to be saved from this hell, from the way he always managed to trap me in his gaze, make me feel things I didnt want to feel and label me as his wife when I had no memory of him ever being a part of my life.

I was just Zoya, alone in a world I didnt understand, so why was one of the most well known, richest business men Aditya Hooda claiming me as his wife? I shut my eyes when I heard his body thud to the floor outside my door, as usual he would reside outside, never sleeping, just sitting. Sometimes he would talk, talk about his day like he wanted me to listen, like somehow it could make any of this different.

"Zoya" he hummed gruffly from behind the door "Don't hate me" he sniffed, I knew his hand was resting on the door. "Please" he whispered

Before I had even realised I was walking to the door, kneeling infront of it and resting my head against it.

"Zoya" his tone perked up, somehow it was as if he knew I was sat there "Stupid" he muttered "Like she would ever want to speak to me"

I didn't offer a reply, he didn't deserve one, I deserved freedom and if he wasn't going to give it to me then why should I care if he was hurting?

Previously written only on Shivika, each chapter has been edited and this story has also been republished on Adiya and Avneil.

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