Part Nine

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Zoya's POV-

It hadn't been long since we had arrived at the beautiful hotel, the staff were kind and talkative and the view from the bedroom was breathtaking and frankly I felt awestruck. Aditya had gone to shower and in all honesty I was thankful, I wasn't exactly sure if it was regret that I was feeling but I definitely felt something bad.

That was me though, saying things before thinking, I always liked to prove a point, I wasn't one to back down and now I had got myself in a situation where I had to seduce Aditya, Aditya my husband, Aditya the man who was so handsome I became a stuttering mess infront of him when he touched me.

With all of this knowledge how on earth was I planning on seducing him, I had spent all morning since we arrived at the hotel researching seduction methods, but they all ended with the one thing I wasn't ready for. So at the very least I knew I didn't want to go the whole way but I didn't want him to bore of me either.

So many women out there that would be more than happy to give themselves to him completley and yet I was his wife, unwilling and fearful, it wasn't right.

Due to this I had devised a plan. I knew Aditya had feelings for me, so that meant he was already attracted to me. All I had to do was play on it. In the midst of my thoughts I hadn't realised that Aditya walked out of the bathroom, his joggers riding low on his hips, his V line in full view, my eyes ran over his chest, up to his arms- he was sculpted like an Adonis, broad thick shoulders and strong muscular arms clenching as he rubbed the towel over his hair, the drops of water trailing down his chest.

I bit my lip, my face burning, he pulled the towel off his head and offered me a sly smirk, he knew very well what he was doing, but I wasnt one to just run and hide, I would achieve nothing that way. I traipsed over to him, trailing a long fingernail down his back I watched his back muscles clench under my touch

He turned to face me and I offered him a sweet smile, focusing on his beautiful brown-black eyes, like the softest sand by the sea, two colours mixed together, making me take a shallow breath, I lifted my hands and massaged his shoulders, tipped my head to the side and smiled again "Been working out"? I could see I had an affect on him.

His gaze had darkened, his breathing heavier and his hands reached out for me but I pulled away, shaking my head he sighed. "Really one to be seduced that easily huh" I whispered, I traced his adam's apple as he gulped

"No, not at all" he backed away from me and walked out of the room

I turned away and fanned my face, seducing my husband was no easy work and just a few minutes longer and I was sure it would have been me that caved, not him.

Part 1 of seduce Aditya was done but Operation Seduce Aditya was still underway.


Aditya's POV-

She was a vixen, magical and playful all at once, my head was reeling from her touch, I couldn't think straight. I was silly enough to make the bet, not thinking about how easily Zoya could affect me, but I would make it hard for her, nothing easy was ever fun and if I didnt make this difficult, then my name was not Aditya Hooda.

I sat down, she placed my tea infront of me and leaned forward, her shirt more open than usual and she smiled. I looked up at her and smiled back "biscuit"? 

Her eyes glowed angrily at me, she huffed and stood back up, she had not managed to have an affect on me and it bothered her immensely 

As she turned to get the biscuits I fanned myself quickly, was it me or did this room get a lot more hotter?

She placed the biscuits infront of me and took two for herself. She reached out, biting the biscuit that was half way in my mouth, swallowed then licked her lips

I narrowed my eyes and shook my head "You have your own". I took my tea and stood up, walking out, I needed to get out of there before she realised how much of an affect she was having on me. Control Aditya, control, but it was clear, I had won this round.


Zoya's POV-

I watched Aditya walk away, my eyes burning with unshed tears, was Neil not interested in me, not attracted? Had I done something wrong? My cheeks heated with embarassment, I thought he wanted me like I wanted him, I hated myself for feeling that way, I was stupid for allowing myself to think a man like him could ever want a woman like me. But for those few moments I had truly believed that we were meant to be.

Clearly, I was wrong.

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