Part Thirteen

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Zoya's POV-

I stood with a warm cup of tea in my hands, looking out over the balcony, Aditya's footsteps were soft behind me I turned to see him holding out a packet of biscuits, greatfully I took one and dipped it in my tea, taking a bite I held the other half out to him, which he took, smiling he lowered his head and sipped my tea.

"You know I've got to return to work today right"

I nodded, placing down the tea, I placed my hand on his cheek "And i'll be fine, promise" I hoped my words offered him the comfort he so desperately needed

Aditya seemed to want to believe me, but he was used to things only being good for so long.

Eventually the storm would come all I could do was try to reassure him that we would get through whatever came our way.

Nuzzling my cheek he sighed, "Well then ill see you later"

I nodded "I'll see you later"

Aditya turned, grasping my hand he kissed my palm "But what if I come back and you're not here"

Looking up at Aditya, the fear in his eyes was very visible "I promise, ill be here when you get back"


The lights went out making me stand up, I hated the dark, was always fearful of the things that could be in the room with me that I couldn't see. Grabbing the house phone I dialled Aditya's phone and waited for him to pick up

"Hello" he said drearily

"Aditya the lights have gone out, I know you need to be at work but can you send someone to fix it" I could feel my heart racing at the shadow on the wall that I was sure was my imagination

"Zoya, if the lights have gone out, how come the electricity hasn't gone out, it cant be a powercut, must be a short circuit"

I took another deep breath, grasping the phone as tightly as I could "Aditya im scared" tears stung my eyes

"Im coming home, just talk to me okay"

A figure stepped out of the shadows, a silver ring glimmering in the grey of the shadows, automatically I stepped back, the ring was familiar I had seen that ring before, I knew I had. "Aditya, theres someone here" I whispered

The lights came back on making the phone slip from my shaking hands, suddenly everything clicked, I knew exactly where I had seen the ring before, I looked up slowly gulping as I came face to face with the man that had tried to kill me before

All at once I was tackled to the floor, my head spinning at the knock it had felt as it hit the floor. I pushed my knees up, turning my attacker over, "Your husband killed my son, now I will kill you"
His hand wrapped around my throat, I pushed as hard as I could on his chest till he let go, jumping up I grabbed the phone and ran through the house

"Aditya" I cried

"Zoya, whats going on" I could hear the concern in his voice

"The man who tried to kill me, he's back please" I was cut off by the phone being knocked out of my hand as I was tripped over, turning around I looked up, pulling my knees up to my chest "Who are you"

"Rajesh" he smiled menacingly, slapping me across the face, my whole body stilled when he pulled out a gun and pressed the cold barrel against my forehead, his hand wrapped around my hair and lifted me up I tried to catch my breath only to have it knocked out of me as he slammed me into the wall.

Blood dribbled down my chin, a loud smack made my ears numb as my head hit the wall, my arm twisted painfully behind me "Please don't do this" I begged

He grabbed my hair again, pulling my head back he let it go, making my head crack into the wall, I let out a shrill scream as I felt him pull my arm back to such an extent it broke

Author's POV-

Zoya had finally managed to get Rajesh off of her, hiding under the bed she tried to calm her breathing

"Come out, come out wherever you are"

Zoya froze, her breathing laboured as his shoes came into view, all at once he bent down and pulled her by the legs, she lifted her hand trying to hold on but to no avail

Stepping hard on her stomach he punched her in the face, Zoya lifted her leg, kicking him in the stomach he keeled over. Turning onto her stomach she pushed herself up, grabbed the lamp and threw it onto his head, he groaned in pain, then stood up to his full height, glaring wickedly at her

He pulled out his gun and Zoya shook her head

"I wont die like this, I wont let you win"
And she jumped forward, knocking him to the floor they wrestled for the gun, her vision becoming blurry as the dull pain in her head began to throb


Aditya jumped out of his car, running to the door he stilled in his steps as he heard the unmistakable sound of a gun shot. Sweat dripped down his forehead as he shoved the door open and wandered in shouting "Zoya"

He ran fast around the house, fearful he would find Zoya's dead body, flashes of the last time this happened weighing heavily on his heart, he knew he never should have left. He stopped as he saw her ring on the floor, picking it up he wiped his eyes

"Aditya" Zoya called

He turned quickly on his heel, facing her
She threw the gun to the floor, walking faster till she got to him

He stroked her hair, kissing her face
"Thank god you're okay"

Her bloody fingers grasped onto his collar body falling limp into his arms

Aditya looked down at the blood now staining his white shirt "No Zoya, baby please stay with me"

"Im so tired, but I kept my promise, I told you i'd still be here when you got back " she whispered a light smile on her lips before her eyes rolled over, hands dropping to her sides

Dont hate me for this part! Do let me know your thoughts! Also, its 3:25 am, excuse rubbish writing and/or horrific spelling mistakes

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