Part Fifteen-

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Zoya's POV-

Aditya had his arm wound tightly around my waist, most of my body weight on his as we walked out of the hospital, everytime someone would walk down the corridor towards us he flinched and pulled me impossibly closer, I hoped seeing his brothers would cheer him up but at this point I wasnt sure what could bring a smile back to his face. Opening the boot of his car he placed my bags inside and then walked me to the passenger side of the car, helping me slide in he reached for my belt

"I can do it" I tried to catch his eye only to be avoided, instead pulled the belt across my body, stood up and shut the door

"It isnt a long drive to my family home but if you need to stop just let me know" gripping the steeringwheel he kept his eyes on the road, jaw clenched and arms straight

I couldnt help but feel like this distance between us would only bring about more issues, I knew he cared for me very much, but still worried how long this would last for and if we were ever going to make a comeback from this, he moved his hand away when I rested my hand on his, swallowing I turned to look out the window to try and distract my mind from the destruction of the man I loved

It wasnt long until we had arrived but he still kept asking me how I was, I got out of the car before he could make it around to my side and he frowned, his eyes darting round as if anticipating an attack, then led me forward towards the doors

The doors were pulled open immediatley after we had knocked. A younger looking man went to hug me but Aditya moved me out of the way

"She's injured" Aditya said sternly

The man looked confused but nodded "Hi, i'm Arjun, but you can call me" he stopped as Aditya shook his head slyly, it seemed it was a gesture I wasn't meant to see but because I did I felt that all too familiar pang in my chest, suddenly I was isolated again, that girl with no family of my own and at this rate I was going to lose the only man I had ever loved

I brushed past them and walked into the house, another taller man walked over and waved at me "Hi, im Harsh, Aditya's father, how are you"?

A smaller woman ran over screaming my name then skidded across the floor as she tried to stop herself when she saw my injuries "Zoya I have missed you so much"

I couldnt help the tears that made their way down my face, finally someone was treating me like I was normal, rather than a fragile doll. Tracing my eyes over the woman I smiled, Aditya had told me about the bond I shared with Arjun's wife, since we had both grown up in the orphanage together.

She grasped my hand and smiled "Im Noor, Arjun's wife" she bopped up and down on her feet

Aditya walked over, his gaze darkening
"Who made her cry"?

"Aditya I"

"No, dont stick up for them, you know she is unwell, how dare you make her cry" Aditya's voice echoed around the room, startling every resident as his eyes darkened

Arjun pulled Noor behind him "Bhai, that's enough"

"Aditya they were happy tears" I replied weakly

He looked taken aback by what I had said
"Sorry I" he looked down, shaking his head and walked away, once again not allowing me time to even speak to him properly

Noor smiled as if trying to lighten the situation "Come, ill show you to your room"

I looked back at Aditya who was followed by Papa and Arjun, sighing heavily I followed Noor up the stairs and sat beside her on the bed in a large room with mint green walls. I jumped when I felt her hands on my cheeks swiping away my tears.

Tipping my chin up she pouted "Talk to me, what's wrong"?

Exhaling loudly I tried to find the right words "Ever since this attack, he's been so distant with me, I dont understand whats wrong" shaking my head I looked away only to have Noor cup my cheek again

"He loves you, he always has" she chuckled "But sometimes we all get scared, that doesn't mean we give up, the bond you share is so special many times I felt like giving up because making my husband love me was no easy thing but I am so so glad I stuck through it because now I couldn't be happier" her eyes glazed over as if remembering something "Arjun is my whole world, my protector and he supports me in everything, whenever you feel fear you will loose the man you love, close your eyes and remember how you got here, nothing is really over when love still exists"

Her words had left a profound effect on me, nodding I stood up and squeezed her hand, unable to put words together to explain just how grateful I was. "Arjun right, uh where is Aditya"?

Smiling he rested an arm on my shoulder "Just in there, I know things are hard right now but everything works out in the end"

"Thank you, I needed that, you both are an amazing couple, I hope to be as strong as you both one day" I pushed open the door, smiling at Aditya who looked my way "You look so tired"

He shook his head "I have no right to be after everything, but you must be tired, sleep, you need rest"

"I won't break if I have less rest than usual, right now it's you that needs sleep and I won't take no for an answer, so shh" I placed my finger on his lips "Sleep Aditya" stroking my fingers through his hair I smiled "You know I love you, right"?

Aditya's eyes widened "You love me"? Disbelief was clear in his voice

"Of course I do, how could you ever doubt it, from now until forever I will always love you, it's so ingrained within me that I couldn't not, even when I didn't trust you or believe you my heart still beat for you"

He licked his lips and gulped possibly to give himself time to think of a suitable answer "You're so good and i'm not, how can you love me"?

"I know you wonder why, honestly I have no words its just a part of me now- a part I couldnt live without ill give you my whole life, my everything because as long as you're with me there is nothing I cannot surpass I have always dreamed of finding someone who would look at me the way you do, hold me the way you do because its in your arms I know I'm home, ive spent my life looking for home, I didnt expect to ever find it, no one can ever make me feel the way you do, every day I find new reasons to love you" I blinked back the tears

"I don't know what to say" he laughed sadly "I'm kind of speechless, I wasn't really expecting this" he pointed between us, looking up he gripped my shoulders "Marry me again, maybe you don't want to but god I have to ask or i'll never know, I know it's fast but that's us, that's what we do" sitting up he smiled "Our love is something so electrifying, so much love between two people it can be overwhelming, but there is no way I would ever have it differently, now all I need is your answer, so Zoya, will you marry me"?

In this story, Noor and Zoya aren't biological sisters

A double update as an apology for how late this is, I got caught up with another story! Swipe for the next part, I hope you're all well!

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