Part Seven

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Aditya's POV-

As I sat down I allowed my eyes to close, my fingers pinching the brim of my nose, I had thought after arriving home I could relax with the woman I love, but I was fearful, scared that I would lose her, Rajesh had to have been calling to rip us apart, was he the man who tried to kill Zoya? My head was pounding, I knew I couldnt let my own insecurities stop her from living her life, yet it was hard not to when all I could focus on was how she had died in my arms.

It seemed that it was only recently that she had even started to accept I had ever been a part of her life, when she had died that day a part of me had died with her and I wasn't sure I could withstand loosing her again. Basing my life around one person hadn't been the best choice of my life but I lived for her and through her, it was as if the world was dark and the light only arrived when I first met her.

"Hi" a woman waved my way, her head bent slightly to the side and a bright smile on her face

"You are" I looked back down at my laptop, not bothered to even reply with any pleasantries

"Zoya, your new secretary" she giggled "People said you were slightly moody, but I didn't believe them, you know I never really understood why people lived their lives by being moody, doesn't it get annoying, see this is why i'm always happy"

"I didn't ask for your opinion" I looked up slowly, she was dressed in smart casual attire, the gold jewels on her purple top made her eyes stand out

"I know, I wanted you to have it anyway" she smiled "Have a good day Sir, tomorrow isn't promised, why waste life"

I went to reply only to see she had walked out of the room, I had never met anyone like her and doubted I ever would.

Loud banging from downstairs made me jump up, was Zoya in danger again? My heart dropped, I ran as fast as I could to see Zoya banging pots and pans against eachother, I wanted nothing more than to hold her close, to know she was still here with me, she put the pot and pan down and silenced me, resting a finger on my lips

"Im sorry I didnt trust you, I had no reason not to but I jumped to conclusions, as I always do, and im hoping you will forgive me" silly woman thought I was angry at her

"Zoya im not" I tried but was interrupted once again, I had to fight the smile forming on my lips

"No, you have to forgive me, you're all I have" I went to talk again but she interrupted me "I made a mistake, I know that, please forgive me" her eyes clouded with an unrecognizable emotion "Please Aditya" her voice cracked

I put my hand against her mouth, "Listen to me, im not mad at you" her eyes shone with confusion and I pulled my hand away

"Then why did you walk away"?

"Because I had to think, I dont want to lose you again, I can't, i'll rip the world apart, but I can't lose you, I wont make that mistake again" I lifted my hands to her face, pressing a kiss on her forehead I moved back to look at her, I had missed her, so very much, it was torture

Her soft hand now rested on my cheek, I closed my eyes and snuggled into her hand

"I love you" I whispered, finally looking into her eyes, her deep chocolatey eyes seized my heart and pulled me in even deeper, like a force unknown to me I was pulled closer to her, her eyes twinkled with happiness at my words, lightening from a chocolate colour to a caramel one, as her lips turned up. Her smile took my breath away, she was exactly what I envisoned home to be, caring, calm and protective, it was true sometimes home could be a person. "I want to take you away from here, just you and me" I knew if I had her with me there was nothing I couldnt defeat and maybe time away with her would do us both good

She looked down, playing with her fingers, looking back up at me she smiled "Close your eyes"

I did as she said, then felt her soft lips against mine, innocent and playful, yet with a hidden depth of need. My hands gripped her waist tightly, pulling her impossibly closer, I craved her in every way, she was my addiction.


Author's POV-

Rajesh sat in his brown leather chair, looking down at the video on his laptop of Zoya and Aditya, he smiled and tapped the table "Enjoy her while you can Aditya, when I get your money, she will be dead". He shut the laptop, throwing his head back he let out a maniacal laugh.

Sorry for the wait!

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