Part Four

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Zoya's POV:

"Adhya" Aditya called, she stood up and walked towards him

"Yes sir" 

"Give this to Zoya please" she smiled sweetly, taking the plate, but as she turned around her face darkened, a scowl on her lips. 

I watched as she walked towards me and put the plate infront of me, was this really how Aditya and I would communicate now? I sat alone, eating dinner, my mind on the strange man who still wouldn't speak to me properly. I shoved my plate forward and stood up, hunger the last thing on my mind, if he didnt want me here, then he would have to let me go, rather than distance himself away from me like this.

Finally arriving at his room, I knocked on the door, his eyes searching mine, probably wondering why I was here. I could hear the light music playing, it seemed fitting to our situation.

"Everything okay" he asked, how could everything be okay, we hadnt had a proper conversation in weeks and he wanted to know if everything was okay? I looked up, taken aback by him, he was shirtless, strong shoulders, a chisseled chest, glistening with sweat, his lips held a mysterious smirk "feel free to come closer, I am all yours" 

"All mine" I asked, indignantly. "You wont come near me anymore, you dont talk to me, dont touch me, its driving me crazy" I knew I was angry, so mad at Aditya for being this way with me.

He stood back allowing me to step into his room, then closed the door and stepped closer to me "Do you want me to" his eyes were lit with hope, something I had not seen in his eyes for a very long time

"Want you to what"?

"To come near you, talk to you, touch you" his knuckles brushed against my cheek, my eyes fluttering close, as I closed my eyes, he brushed his fingers down my throat, it had been so long without his touch, it felt like now, I was feeling again.

"You cant play this game with me Aditya, you either want me or you dont" 

"You think I dont want you" he asked stunned, I opened my eyes to look at him, again he looked distressed. "Do you know how long its been since I have heard you say my name, its only now I feel like im alive" his hands were on my shoulders, shaking me gently but my whole body felt light, "I will never not want you, but I cant see that look in your eyes anymore" 

"What look" I hadnt realised that I had stepped closer to him, I had to clench my hands tightly, my nails digging into my skin to prevent myself from touching him.

"Like im the monster in your life, your biggest nightmare" 

I had to look away, it was unbelievable to me that he would think that, "I dont feel that way, but this hurts, it hurts that you just walked away" 

"See, again, I have been selfish, never thinking of you" he reached into his trouser pocket, bringing out an envelope, he put it in my hand, I opened it, peering in, I could see tickets for a coach and a house deed, fully payed.

I looked up at him, "Do you really want me gone that bad" 

"No, but im not good enough for someone as good as you, so im giving you what you want so badly, freedom, now go before I be the selfish man I am and beg you to stay" 

"But, what about you, what will you do if I leave"

He shrugged, turning away from me he breathed a deep sigh, "Wait for you to come back" his words knocked the breath out of me, his whole life, his purpose was built around me, how could I leave?

"Look at me" he shook his head "Aditya please" he turned around so fast air hit my face, my hair whipping back

I placed the envelope back in his hand "I dont want it, im not leaving, you asked me for one more chance, use it"

His brows furrowed "You want to stay"

I nodded "Why is that so hard to believe" 

"Because this isnt a damn fairy tale, beauty doesnt stay with the beast"

"Maybe youre all I know, why go searching for a home when I have a perfectly good house here, I see it in your eyes, you could never hurt me" 

The next thing I knew, his lips were on mine, hot and unrelenting, my body was on fire and he was the only one that could calm the flames. All I knew was him, he was everywhere, my body flush against his, my hands in his hair, his tounge in my mouth, making my knees wobble, I gasped for air and he moved his lips to my neck, my eyes rolling back as he sucked on a particularly sensitive part of my neck, our heart beats synching and all I could let out was a breathy moan of his name. He growled into my neck and then kissed my lips, pulling back he tucked my hair behind my ear "You have no idea how long I have been waiting to do that" 

I felt dizzy after his sweet torture and when he let go of me, I faltered but he caught me, like he always seemed to.

"Get some rest" he whispered, and in a daze I wandered out of the room, I had always known that time was a miracle and things were always changing but how drastic of a change this was had shook me to the core! 

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