Preparation for Assassination ✅

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In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since. "If you want something, take it. No one will give it to you." That was all he said on the matter before sending me away with a patted head and a dominant nod.

You see, my father was a man of few words and continued to be so until the day he died. The newspaper wrote it off as a 'freak motoring accident', as his car was found smashed into a tree, but I knew better.

My father was a man who craved power, so much so that he would thrust himself into dangerous situations to get it, even if it costed him his life. And that was how I found out about the gang my father had joined; about JIDA and their entire organisation of gangsters and mobsters that ruled the city of Tokyo from the shadows. The same organisation I too had joined a few years after my fathers death.

The unmistakeable smell of antiseptic flooded the air as she sighed. Her (H/C) hair lay lazily on the receptionist counter beside her as she leaned on her left hand. The right hand, her most dominant hand, held the black ballpoint pen loosely as she continued to make fine strokes onto the document before her.

"... and there we go. That is all the medication you'll need until your chest infection clears up. The pharmacist next door will have all of these ready for you, so if you could just pop in in about 10 minutes, that'll be great". She said clearly with a tone of exhaustion. She was thanked for her information by the older woman who had been prescribed the medication, and left to continue on with her never-ending shift.

The woman, no older than 18, continued onto her floor of the Tokyo Saiseikai Central Hospital and finally took a seat in the resting area. "Seems like you've had a hard day, (Y/N)", a high schooler commented as he walked out of the elevator and towards the well-worn woman. "Ah, Yuu." She said, glancing up towards the emerald eyed boy. "I didn't know you would show up this early. I still have about half an hour left before I can leave for the day", the smaller teen mentioned as she stood up to stretch out her tired limbs.

The cracking of aching joints momentarily pause the conversation as the girl strained herself. "You can just stay in the waiting area for now. You have a phone, right? Just do whatever you kids do until I'm ready to leave" she chuckled, hiding the ever-growing smirk with her hand. As she walked away the faint sound of a grumble reached her ears, making her laugh further.

That's right. She thought, her mind yet again, running away with her. Yuu and I have been assigned a mission for tonight: infiltrate the club Sanguinem and assassinate Lucal Wesker, a dodgy man who associates with human trafficking.

The nurse-in-training rounded the corner and began to organise the meal forms for later that evening. Even so, her mind continued for her, he is affiliated with JIDA's rival gang, The Vampires. They are a gang that we must stop at nothing to wipe out.

"Whoa, careful!" The new nurse, Chess Belle, said before coming to a stop right in front of the (E/C) eyed female. "You were so lost in thought that you almost gave Miss Takeda laxatives rather than her cough medication", the purple haired woman snickered, her perfectly manicured fingers pointing directly at the bottle of laxatives you were about to give to the unsuspecting victim. "Ah, right. That wouldn't have been good" the girl said. "I guess I'm just so tired that I didn't even make sure I picked up the right pills".

Chess laughed, almost hysterically, "You don't say. How about you get off a little early then, I'll continue on with your shift." The busty woman offered, her delicate right hand making its way to the side of her head in a mock-salute. "You can count on me!" She exclaimed, before breaking down into giggles that mimicked your own.

The car ride from the hospital was uneventful. The sparse conversations with Yuu usually beginning with a question and ending with a vague answer. The black haired boy was usually excitable and fired up, especially when he was allowed to be directly apart of a mission. "Okay, what's up? You're not usually this quiet." The (H/C) haired girl finally asked as she parked the car outside of a sleazy nightclub.

The building was painted a harsh black that seemed to intensify the neon green paint work that surrounded each window and door leading into the club. The Demon Army had been in business for almost three decades now, the owners being the Ichinose family. The nightclub, however, wasn't all as it seemed. Like Sanguinem, the Demon Army was a guise for the JIDA Mafia group's headquarters.

Yuu shut the door to the car with more force than needed, though this wasn't unusual as the young boy usually used more force than necessary. "Nothing's wrong, (Y/N). Just drop it, okay? I won't screw up the mission." The 16 year old boy sighed frustratedly as he entered the building.

The creamy (S/C) skinned girl entered the building afterwards and began to look around. Everything looked the same as it did three days ago when she was last in there. The bar, a sleek black countertop with green lights underneath was to the left of the building and out of the way of the dance floor, this bar was primarily tended by Kimizuki and Yoichi, a snarky pink haired 'lamppost' as Yuu called Kimizuki, and a smaller cinnamon roll by the name of Yoichi.

Almost directly in front of the bar, but on the adjacent wall was Guren's office, the owner of the nightclub. In the middle of the room was the dance floor that was fully fitted with a DJ system that was operated by Shinoa, a sassy purple haired girl and Mitsuba, the typical Tsundere blonde character who often played loud techno music.

Towards the right of the building were the stairs to the VIP lounge and the secondary bar, that was tended by Shinya. And lastly, the toilets for guests and the changing rooms for staff only that where directly under the VIP area that was elevated on steel beams.

The (H/C) haired girl walked towards Guren's office and opened the door without knocking. "I've arrived!" She sung out almost cheerfully, despite her tiredness. "I've also brought Yuu with me. We're ready for the costumes whenever you're ready." She finished, making direct eye contact with Guren. "Oh my, should I leave?" She smirked before moving out the way of the door and narrowly avoiding the flying book.

Shinya, who had been caught in quite the position, removed himself from Guren's lap and laughed heartily. "I told you we didn't have time for a make-out session, look, we've been caught." He waved his hand flippantly at the intruder. "Nice to see you again, (Y/N). Are you ready for this mission?" He greeted.

The (E/C) eyed girl rolled her doe shaped eyes as she chuckled a little. "Of course I am, Yuu is too. It's just a simple in, kill and back out again mission. What could go wrong?" She asked rhetorically, only to be lectured by Guren. "Brat, many things could go wrong. For starters, you look like crap, what happened to you?" He asked, moving away from his desk chair and into the centre of the room.

The question from the owner earned another eye roll from the teenager. "It's been a long day and I'll be more than happy when it's over." She answered with little more than a huffed breath. "Speaking of 'getting it over with', can we see what we're going to be wearing,or...?" She trailed off, allowing Guren to answer her half spoken question. "I'll get to that later, for now, you need to do something with that face and hair of yours. They won't even let you in if you rock up to Sanguinem like that." He sighed, ushering her away with his hands before promptly slamming the door in her face.

"Rude as always." She sighed, making her way towards the changing rooms after greeting Yoichi and Kimizuki, the latter too absorbed in his debate with Yuu to respond.

No wonder Guren asked me if I was okay. She thought as she lazily ran a hand across her face. The dark bags under her eyes seemed to dim the (E/C) colour of her orbs. The skin seemed a sickly pale colour compared to her normally healthy complexion. Luckily I brought makeup with me, otherwise they probably wouldn't have let me in the doors. She continued to think as she applied the makeup gently, something she had done almost hundreds of times before.

Now, She thought fixing her hair from it's messy ponytail and into curls that cascaded down her back. I wonder what I'll be wearing for this mission.

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